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Support Ruffs

Ruffs - ChargingValkyrie514145
Updated Sep 17, 2024

Take CoverField PromotionDamageShield
Take CoverField PromotionDamageShield

Damage and Shield are generally the best gears, His gadget helps with his teammates especially when he has high health and his star power gives health.

Take Cover

Take Cover

Ruffs throws down 3 sandbags as cover. Each one has 35% of Ruffs' max health.

Field Promotion
Star Power

Field Promotion

Friendly Brawlers have their maximum health increased by 56 every second that they are in range of this ability while it's active.

Gear 1


Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.

Gear 2


Gain extra 900 Health as a consumable Shield. The shield regenerates in 10 seconds, when at full health.


If you are chased by a brawler use his gadget and if you get low attack with increase, also you get extra health from shield. His star power is good for tanks who already have lost of health while the current update is on (I will change when it is over) he also has healing surrounding him giving tanks and all brawlers in general more reason to stay close to him.

Game Modes



It is good for most game modes that ruffs shines in, in the current meta.

Works Well With



He is a tank that already has massive health and his hyper charge is cracked.

El Primo

El Primo

He is also a tank and can run ahead in battle with increased health while Ruffs attacks them from afar.

About This Build

This build, Support Ruffs, was created by ChargingValkyrie514145 on Sep 17, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Ruffs, and uses the Take Cover gadget, Field Promotion star power, Damage gear, and Shield gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Ruffs build and others.

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