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Bullet evader: Max (in-depth)

Max - BombardingQueen332763
Updated Oct 31, 2024

Phase ShifterRun N GunShieldGadget Charge
Phase ShifterRun N GunShieldGadget Charge

How to dodge and play max like a top player.

Phase Shifter

Phase Shifter

Max dashes forward, and becomes immune to all damage from enemies while dashing.

Run N Gun
Star Power

Run N Gun

Max reloads faster while moving.

Gear 1


Gain extra 900 Health as a consumable Shield. The shield regenerates in 10 seconds, when at full health.

Gadget Charge
Gear 2

Gadget Charge

Increases number of Gadget uses per battle by 1.


Description: Max is a mythic rarity support brawler that has a basic attack of shooting 4 shots, each dealing 640 damage. She has 4 bars of ammo, and her reload speed is quite fast. At power 11, she has 6600 health and her super consists of creating a speed boost for her and her teammates lasting 4 seconds. Her attack has a long cone shaped base.
How to play max: The most important thing about max is movement, with max and most other brawlers, you have to make your movement unpredictable, so that the enemy cannot hit shots onto you. If you move in one direction, the enemy can most likely predict your movement and deal damage to you. This means you have to have a quick and unpredictable moving pattern, such as moving in diagonal lines. When shooting, always make sure you are moving, to make sure you are not an easy target for the enemy. When shooting, always stay in mid range. This is where you can hit most of the bullets and deal high damage to the enemySuper control: When using your super, always make sure all/most of your teammates are next to you, this way your super can be a lot more effective and worth. Always use your super when you are in desperate need of movement, such as when you need to save a goal, chase an enemy or escape a dangerous situation. Never use it in useless situations where the enemy is not inflicting any harm. Gadget: The phase shifter gadget is much better in most situations, as it allows you to dash forward while having invincibility for a split second. This can allow you to take no damage from fatal attacks, such as Mandy’s super, Dynamike’s super, and much more if timed correctly. The gadget can also be used when running away from a dangerous situation or chasing an enemy. The other gadget isn’t very useful as the enemy can camp your gadget.Star power: Run and gun is much better as it allows max to reload faster while moving. Since you are moving most of the time, the faster reload speed can be much more useful during tense fights. The super charge star power is quite mediocre, as the super charges very slow, and the other star power is just the better alternative. Now you know how to play this brawler with MAX skill. Hopefully you can become the next tensai after reading this guide! (Plz upvote?) :)

Game Modes

Brawl Ball

Brawl Ball

Max’s speed boost super allows her and her team to gain control over the ball, since the enemy team most likely won’t have enough time to catch up to max during the speed boost, meaning most of the time you can score some easy goals.

Gem Grab

Gem Grab

Similar to brawl ball, max’s super allows her to gain control over the gem mine. Her super also allows her to quickly collect all the gems and return without getting killed.

Works Well With



Max’s speed boost paired with frank, the tank who can stun enemies, is very hard to beat. Frank’s high health and capability to stun can easily outmatch the enemies.



Kenji’s high damage output paired with max’s super speed can quickly assassinate enemy brawlers and deal high damage.

About This Build

This build, Bullet evader: Max (in-depth), was created by BombardingQueen332763 on Oct 31, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Max, and uses the Phase Shifter gadget, Run N Gun star power, Shield gear, and Gadget Charge gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Max build and others.

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