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Sushi man

Kenji - RYWTzz
Updated Dec 23, 2024

Hosomaki HealingNigiri NemesisShieldDamage
Hosomaki HealingNigiri NemesisShieldDamage

The kenji build to make a good brawler great

Hosomaki Healing

Hosomaki Healing

Kenji instantly heals 75% of damage taken over the last 3 seconds.

Nigiri Nemesis
Star Power

Nigiri Nemesis

After avoiding damage for 5 seconds, gets 90% damage reduction from the next enemy attack.

Gear 1


Gain extra 900 Health as a consumable Shield. The shield regenerates in 10 seconds, when at full health.

Gear 2


Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.


Kenji is an assassin who is constantly cycling between his two attacks. His first attack is a short dash, about the same as an uncharged mortis dash, which is great for mobility, closing the gap effectively and dealing damage. His second attack is a slash that’s roughly the same size as bibi’s attack that is great for dealing damage and jumping opponents. His super makes him invulnerable for its duration, launching a fish in the air before unleashing to slashes in an x shape. The upper left corner is where the super ends and you’ll be able to grab gems and score goals in brawl ball by lining the super up correctly. Gadget:
Kenji’s gadget is a heal that will heal you for 75% of the damage you received within the last 3 seconds. This is great for extending your life while on the frontlines and is key to kenji’s survivability. Don’t use the other gadget, it’s just a mobility buff for one of the most mobile brawlers in the game and is unnecessary.Star power:
Nigiri nemesis will grant 60% damage reduction when you haven’t been damaged for 5 seconds and is great for allowing you to go in more freely, survive encounters with high damage brawlers and makes you more versatile. The other star power increases his supers range by 35% and generally speaking is useless when compared to the other one, thus you should never pick this one.Gears:
Shield makes going in for kill easier but is interchangeable with plus one. Damage is great because you’ll be below 50% health often so increased damage is very beneficial.

Game Modes

Brawl Ball

Brawl Ball

Great for keeping up aggression and is a great goal scorer. He can struggle on defense like mortis sometimes but is still a really good pick.

Gem Grab

Gem Grab

You should be trying to assassinate the gem carrier and will sometimes be able to use your super to grab loose gems.



High damage and will almost always be bush camping or running laps.



Only on some maps but is great for getting occasional kills, you wont be getting 7 kills because it isn’t your job. Jump people when you can and try to survive.

Works Well With



Otis can silence people and make getting kills incredibly easy for you. Be careful about the comps you play kenji and Otis into.



Byron can heal you from a distance and can aid your killstreaks with his tick damage. Generally a safe pick



Can give you shield to make going in for kills incredibly safe and will be great for dealing damage so you’ll have an easier time getting kills. Great pretty much everywhere.

About This Build

This build, Sushi man, was created by RYWTzz on Dec 23, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Kenji, and uses the Hosomaki Healing gadget, Nigiri Nemesis star power, Shield gear, and Damage gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Kenji build and others.

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