In this guide, I will show you how to play this tricky assassin including the best builds for his best modes. Please upvote with the little yellow button in the top right.
Stu's next Super can bash through obstacles, making debris fly forward. Each piece of debris deals 216 damage to any opponent it hits.
Using his Nitro Boost Super restores 640 of Stu's health.
Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.
Gain extra 900 Health as a consumable Shield. The shield regenerates in 10 seconds, when at full health.
Hello! This might be a long project of mine however with Stu being a very hard brawler to play, with managing his attack and supers, along with Gadgets, SP's, and Gears, its a lot to cover so just get prepared to read a lot. (tldr at the end)The biggest part of how to play Stu is knowing that Stu is best played as an assassin, the way he was intended. You should be aggressive with your enemies and poke at them. You can't let your enemies rest or heal, and constantly be fighting back against your enemies.Let's start off with Stu's Attack. The biggest thing to know is that you always want to be saving ammo, in case you are in a difficult situation and you need safety. You want to always at least be hitting one of his shots always, as you if you are really good at aiming, you can consistently chain his super and dash around STUpendously (pun) His attack is relatively simple to learn with the one two combo, but it's an essential part of his kit.Stu's super is what makes this brawler be able to pull of crazy moves in the game as you are able to dash around like a madman. A difficulty that is seen with many players is taking too long to aim Stu's super and end up dying/losing because they have to pay attention to the super aiming reticle. However, if you auto aim Stu's super, you will super the direction you are going or facing. This is very useful to be able to quickly dash away from enemies and also be aggressive. You can and should be using his super as often as possible, to make your enemies become overwhelmed.Now let's move on to Stu's Gadgets. His first Gadget, Speed Zone, is best used in 3v3 modes and is best for allowing your team better mobility. You shouldn't use Speed Zone in maps with high amounts of walls, because throwers are more common on these maps and can simply destroy your Speed Zone. You should also know when to use his gadget, to get the most value you can out of the gadget as it loses health over time. A great example of this is the first wall on Open Business (Hot Zone when there is no thrower), as you can easily use it best to improve mobility for your team and it is hidden yet close enough to the zone.Stu's second gadget, is usually the better out of the two for most scenarios, and that is mostly due to breaking walls. This gadget if used correctly, can stop enemies from running away and finish them off, and can lead to many final moments.Specifically two game modes where Breakthrough is best is Brawl Ball, as you can break the wall protecting the enemies goal, and Showdown, as you can sneak up on enemies or run away to perform your best.
Breakthrough should generally be used to most, besides on open maps with few walls to work with. Both gadgets are good at assisting Stu's kit and should be used when needed to live up to Stu's assassin capabilities.The Best Star Power for Stu is usually Gaso Heal. Due to it healing a decent amount of Stu's HP, he is able to survive more and add more pressure to the enemies. Gaso Heal is best on most maps and game modes as that extra survival helps Stu. Theres not much else to say besides if you are low you should be using your super to regain HP and get back into the fight.The Second Star Power for Stu is Zero Drag, and it is generally better in longer range maps. Zero Drag is really good when you need to escape from close range brawlers, and or need to retreat. The extra range for gain for his super is excellent on open maps, as you can improve your mobility and be able to speed around.The one other excellent use for Zero Drag is in Brawl Ball, as moving around faster and being able to run away or rush into the goal with the extra range is very helpful. The thing to know about Stu's Star Power's is Gaso Heal is better for low ping and Zero Drag is better for high ping. (Just a good rule of thumb to keep in consideration).Lastly, for when choosing Stu's gears, the one that you should always have is Damage Gear. Due to Stu being an assassin, being able to do more damage in weak situations helps him to stay alive and be a useful brawler, even when at low HP.For Stu's Second Gear, Shield Gear helps him stay alive for longer, similar to Damage Gear, and is just a good gear to have for Stu.An honorable mention is Speed Gear for Stu, however it depends on how many bushes there are on the maps and if you favor speed over livability.That was a whole lot to cover, and thanks for staying with me all the way. Stu is a very complex brawler to play, and hopefully this taught you how to play him better and know how and when to use his abilities. Below will be a couple explanations on Stu's best game modes and how to best use him but in general keep all this in mind when playing Stu to use him for his greatest potential.(tldr. be aggressive, auto aim your super to where you are moving/facing instead of aiming, Breakthrough is the best gadget, Gaso Heal is the best star power, and Damage and Shield gear are best)Now, Go cook with your Stu skills!Pls upvote with the little yellow button in the top right
Game Modes
Hot Zone
Best General Combo (Speed Zone, Gaso Heal, Damage and Shield Gear)
Stu is really good at Hot Zone as due to his speed being one of his main traits, he is able to consistently speed around the map and maintain good control over the Zone.
Brawl Ball
Best General Combo (Breakthrough, Zero Drag, Damage and Speed Gear)
Brawl Ball is one of Stu's best modes as he can dash straight or near the goal and score very easily. You should focus on holding pressure on the enemies and knowing when to use your super.
Gem Grab
Best General Combo (Depends on the map, usually Speed Zone, Gaso Heal, Damage and Shield Gear)
Stu works well as being able to hold back the enemies, and protect the Gem Carrier, along with making sure your team doesn't lose any gems. Make sure to use his assassin capabilities to their best.
Best General Combo (Breakthrough, Any, Damage and Shield Gear)
Showdown is realistically good for any brawler, but Stu is very good in Showdown as he is able to dash through walls, and sneak up on enemies, and he is able to escape close fights when necessary, or finish off other brawlers.
About This Build
This build, The Way To Mastering Stu , was created by ShieldingCookie795252 on Jan 2, 2025. The build is for the Brawler, Stu, and uses the Breakthrough gadget, Gaso-Heal star power, Damage gear, and Shield gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Stu build and others.
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