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Buzz Lightyear (Saber Mode)

Brawl Hockey 2v2 ultimate build/guide

Buzz Lightyear (Saber Mode) - Xx_Fox1
Updated Jan 9, 2025

Turbo Boosters(None)(None)(None)
Buzz Lightyear (Saber Mode)
Turbo Boosters(None)(None)(None)

the ultimate brawl hockey build.

Turbo Boosters

Turbo Boosters

Buzz Lightyear activates his turbo, sprinting forward in his current direction.

Star Power


Buzz Lightyear has no Star Powers.

Gear 1


This Brawler has no gears.

Gear 2


This Brawler has no gears.


With the new pizza planet event out we have been given contest to compete for pizzas. There are different modes for the contests but I’ll only talk about brawl hockey for now. Brawl hockey is my new favorite mode because it’s only a 2v2 and you need 3 points to score meaning that the game won’t end so fast. I also like how it’s not a 3v3 where there so much people. Do you ever wonder though who to pick in this game mode? See description for more.Description: There are a lot of characters in brawl stars and if you own all of them then it’s a tuff decision on who to pick. In this game mode you want to go for tanky characters with a bunch of health and damage. A lot of people choose frank and I’m okay with that, but he’s actually not the best tank for this one. The real best is buzz lightyear(saber mode). I don’t say this because buzz lightyear is the best character in the game right now but it’s because of the fact that he deals so much damage has a nice amount of health and has a great super power. His super knocks back enemies and if they have the puck in their hands then they’ll drop it. So as soon as you land on them grab the puck and try to score. I like to wait for all my ammo and then use super hit my opponent twice trying to kill them and then try to score.Gadget: Buzz Lightyears gadget is insane I say this because he dashes forward a good ways. Now as soon as the match starts dash towards the puck and try to score. I usually shoot slightly diagonally because of the bouncy thing in the middle of everyone’s goal because I don’t want the puck to hit that and then it bounces back. I hope that this guide found you well and that you place higher in the event for pizzas. Also if I hit 5 or more upvote I’ll share a guide on basketbrawl or pizza delivery. Have a great day and for more guides like this go and check out my profile down below :)

Works Well With



Kit is good because he can go invisible with his gadget at the beginning of the match and walk off to the side of the arena while you dash toward the puck and then shoot it towards him as he should have a wide open shot.



Brock is good for sniping and annoying the opponents while you dash toward the puck and shoot to score. Also brocks gadget where he blasts off the ground can knock the puck out of opponents hands.



Buster is good cause you can stand in his circle as he gains up his super and then y’all walk toward the puck together as he blocks the opponents attacks from hitting y’all



Byron can shoot and heal you as you make your way toward the puck he can also poison the opponents plus his range which it makes it annoying for the opponents to want to get the puck first.

About This Build

This build, Brawl Hockey 2v2 ultimate build/guide, was created by Xx_Fox1 on Jan 9, 2025. The build is for the Brawler, Buzz Lightyear (Saber Mode), and uses the Turbo Boosters gadget, (None) star power, (None) gear, and (None) gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Buzz Lightyear (Saber Mode) build and others.

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