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[TOP 500] WM + Bandit

Wave Master

Created by krillyc
Updated Sep 3, 2023


One of the best WM decks right now, strong against most heroes.


Avg CostElixir icon2.8
Avg DPSSword icon1.57
Avg HPHeart icon24
Wave Master
Ice Wizard
Dart Goblin


Focus on upgrading Bandit to 2 stars, and then focus on countering and getting big damage in with Dart Goblin. WM + Bandit will continuously stun, while Bandit absorbs energy.


Bandit is the primary mini you want to upgrade, as it absorbs energy and goes back and forth on the map, making it impossible to hit. Generally, 1st and 2nd upgrade on the first and second round, but 3rd upgrade isn’t that important.

Ice Wizard:
Ice Wizard helps take slow some minis such as bandit, and can also be helpful when paired with Dart Goblin to get big damage in. He can also take big damage from Prince, and distract Monk so he wastes his super.

Fisherman: Fisherman helps counter minis such as Witch, Magic Archer, Lumberjack, Miner, and more. You don’t want to use Fisherman until later on, and you want to make sure to avoid Prince.

Miner: If your Fisherman, which is placed to counter some minis like Magic Archer, is hit by Prince, Miner serves as a substitute for Fisherman. It can pop enemies out of corners and destroy backlines, and can even be used to counter Countess.

Dart Goblin:
Dart Goblin is essential against minis like Pekka and Mega Knight, and heroes such as Skeleton King and Grand Warden. Dart Goblin will help get big damage, and is very versatile on the map.

Magic Tiles

Devil's Deal
Devil's Deal

+10 ATK but -80% HP

+10 ATK but -80% HP

Avoid unless it’s somewhere on the lower half of the map, so you can place a Dart Goblin who will do an insane amount of damage (around 64DMG against shielded enemies).


+7 Energy

+7 Energy

Supercharge Wave Master instead of Bandit usually, because if Bandit gets super instantly he won’t be able to absorb as much. Wave Master will be able to instantly stun.

Zap Zone
Zap Zone

Gain AOE stun

Gain AOE stun

Putting Bandit or Wave Master on stun can destroy opponents. Bandit will help stun backlines if needed, while Wave Master can generally stun anyone and everything around him.


VS.CountessCountessTwo Swords
Wave Master
Ice Wizard
Dart Goblin

You want to upgrade Bandit to 2 stars on the first 2 rounds, and then on round 3 wait to get info.

On round 4, use Miner as a distraction, paired with Ice Wizard and Dart Goblin. It is important to not upgrade Miner so Countess targets him, because he will be the mini with lowest HP, making him get targeted. Ice Wizard should get the first upgrade so that it has a higher HP than Miner, but still lower than Dart Goblin. Dart Goblin should be upgraded to first upgrade so it can get damage onto Countess. Lastly, Fisherman counters any minis like Lumberjack or Ice Wizard.

VS.Wave MasterWave MasterTwo Swords
Wave Master
Ice Wizard

Playing against another WM with bandit is completely RNG, so you want to pray and follow normal steps. Sometimes place Miner as a distraction if you’re confident with what you’re doing. Fisherman to counter any minis like Ice Wizard that might slow your bandit.

VS.Grand WardenGrand WardenTwo Swords
Wave Master
Ice Wizard
Dart Goblin

General positioning, but focus on upgrading Dart Goblin to max, and use Fisherman to counter any minis stuck in the corner who get big damage in. Ice Wizard should have AOE, but Bandit doesn’t need any upgrades.

VS.Skeleton KingSkeleton KingTwo Swords
Wave Master
Ice Wizard
Dart Goblin

Against Skeleton King, it’s similar to Grand Warden. Focus on getting damage in with maxed out Dart Goblin, and slow Skeleton King with Ice Wizard. Fisherman and Miner can be used as a counter against any minis that trouble your Dart Goblin or Bandit.

VS.Archer QueenArcher QueenTwo Swords
Wave Master
Ice Wizard
Dart Goblin

You have a very low chance against Archer Queen, so you have to pray and hope you win this. Same board positioning as usual, but focus on using Fisherman and Miner to move the Magic Archer away, and if your Fisherman hooks Magic Archer, get Dart Goblin to get as much damage as possible onto him.

[TOP 500] WM + Bandit
Wave Master
Dart Goblin
Ice Wizard

Created Sep 3, 2023 by krillyc


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconIce WizardMiner
    6Star (Max) + 10 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconFishermanDart Goblin
    6Star (Max) + 4 remaining elixir
  • 4 Elixir iconBandit
    3Star (Max) + 10 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck [TOP 500] WM + Bandit was created by krillyc. This deck uses Wave Master as the hero with Bandit, Ice Wizard, Miner, Fisherman, and Dart Goblin as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 9.4, and HP at 144.

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