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My Arena Team... 0m0

Created by ElliotCasso
Updated Jun 12, 2024

Stormbringer CookieFinancier CookieIcicle Yeti CookieFrilled Jellyfish CookieWhite Lily Cookie
Game ModeArena
Avg CooldownClock cooldown icon13.4s


Charge Icon
Defense Icon
Healing Icon
Support Icon
Bomber Icon




Sugar Swan's Shining FeatherOld Pilgrim's ScrollGrim-looking Scythe

Bad Against

Anyone with Mystic Flour Cookie...

Good Against

Lower HP Teams, Crimson Coral, and Elder Faerie led teams.


I currently don't have Mystic Flour. However I know that Icicle Yeti will be replaced by her. I'm completely F2P

Frilled Jellyfish Cookie is my favorite cookie, and I have her maxed out (5A, Maxed out attack beascuit) so she will likely not come out of my lineup anytime soon. She's also an ugly surprise to those who don't have any HP buffs, which I've found helpful. For me, Financier Cookie protects White Lily, Frilled Jellyfish, then Stormbringer. I also have Frilled Jellyfish in place for extra healing help. (Also it's fun to hide her when I get to Master 5 lmao) Also with her zap, she takes out Crimson Coral's and Elder Faerie's HP shield at the start, which is super helpful in terms of early damage.

Disclaimer: The last treasure would be replaced with the Grim-looking Electrifying Scythe, but I didn't see it in the options. I use it to make Stormbringer's crit chance pretty much guaranteed, and it's a nice help for Frilled Jellyfish Cookie.

Alternative cookies I put in place are Hollyberry, Burnt Cheese, Golden Cheese, Snapdragon, and Frost Queen depending on the type of team I'm dealing with. The only permanent cookies are Frilled Jellyfish and Stormbringer.

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Cookie Run: Kingdom graphic with GingerBrave and a kingdom