Dire Maul Dungeon - Ysera
Created by Undeadicated
Updated Oct 22, 2024 for PvE
Mini Stats
Level 1, Stomper Kreeg
Units: Darkspear Troll, Defias Bandits, Huntress, Mountaineer, Ogre Mage, Warsong Grunts
Stomper Kreeg is so filled with bloodlust that his troops also go mad when injured. Do some damage to his troops and they'll finish each other off. This means they'll even attack their own towers. When his units are fighting each other, it's best to leave them alone and focus on the other lane.
If enemy units cluster together, drop Whelp Eggs on them. That's usually enough to start a fight. If they are right on a tower, you can also use Earth and Moon.
Directly counter solo Ogre mages or Huntress with Prowlers.
Ogre Mages will automatically spawn in both lanes at 3:10, 2:10, 1:10, and 0:10. Plan accordingly.
This battle is otherwise straight forward. Keep tanks in front of ranged and fliers.
Fortunately, Ysera brings a toolkit of her own.
Any counter your missing is usually accounted for with this unique leader.
Kreeg's defenses can be pretty tough when you are right up on him. Often times, it's best to attack lightly enough to turn his own minions against him. Wait until their fight is over to send in more units in that lane.
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Level 2, Immol'thar
Units: Banshee, Defias Bandits, Eye of Immol'thar, Huntress, Ogre Mage, Prowler, Spiderlings
Any unit you spawn is going to be immediately followed by an Eye of Immol'thar that will kill most units moments after they spawn. To avoid this, allow your units space to move away from their spawn and allow your base to pick off the eyes. The best way to accomplish this is to deploy alternately left and right to avoid an eye from a previous deploy taking out the next.
If you can take the right tower, this will be easier. If you can't take the right tower, just switch between your left and right deploy, while keeping the right side protected.
You're going to have to mine both sides to keep the cash flowing for your assault.
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Level 3, King Gordok
Units: Defias Bandits, Ghoul, Huntress, Ogre Mage, Spiderlings, Warsong Grunts
King Gordok does not instill the strongest loyalty in his generals. If you manage to defeat either of his two lane generals, they will join you in attacking him. Cho'Rush, his healer, will remain loyal to death though.
You'd better make sure happens before you start trying to Gordok out or you'll have a tougher time. Cho'Rush heals King Gordok about as fast as you can damage him. Use Whelp Eggs, Bat Riders (from left lane), or even Earth and Moon to take Cho'Rush out before focusing your attention on King Gordok.
Advanced Build Stats
Build Rating
Lane Offense
Tower Offense
Lane Defense
Tower Defense
Weak Against
Strong Against
About This Build
This build, Dire Maul Dungeon - Ysera, was created by Undeadicated on Oct 22, 2024. The leader of the deck is Ysera as part of the Cenarion family.
With 6 other minis, this puts the total build cost at 3.1, DPS at 122, and HP at 299. Be sure to support your favorite builds and creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share that you find useful.Check out the profile page of Undeadicated for more of their guides.
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