Best Gene Build

Lamp Blowout
All enemies close to Gene are instantly pushed back. If at least one enemy Brawler is within range, Gene will also restore 10% of his max health.

Spirit Slap
Gene's Magic Hand also damages enemies, dealing 2000 damage on hit.

Talk to the Hand
Extend the reach of Gene's Magic Hand.

Reveal opponents for 2 seconds after dealing damage to them.
Curated from 74 user-created builds, this is the most optimal build for Gene. For the Gadget, Lamp Blowout is used 80% of the time making it much better than Vengeful Spirits. For the Star Power, Spirit Slap is picked 61% of the time making it a little better than Magic Puffs.
Gene has 6 Super Rare Gears and one Mythic Gear. Out of these, Talk to the Hand is picked the most at 41%. The second best is Vision which is used 18% of the time. Vision can be helpful for bushy maps or game modes where taking out opponents is the main priority.
If you'd like to see other builds for Gene, you can view trending and top-rated community-made guides below.
Hot Builds

The best tips to play gene and win with him.

Junkyard dog. Aggressive Gene build. Optimal for Wipeouts, Knockouts, etc.

Gadget is good for dealing with close range brawlers and star power and mythic gear go great together and damage gear is one of the best rare gear

Use everything but second gear is optional

If not a pro skip this build

This build is only for 3vs.3, please do not use it in team modes. Also if there is a map like bounty no excuses, consider switching vision to shield.

This brawler is known for its extended range and poking its enemies, and please trust me. This build is good in solo showdown, but dont use it in 3vs 3 modes becasue I have another build of Jene on 3vs 3.

Глядя на Джина, многие видят просто маленького человечка в странном костюме. Но им стоит повнимательнее присмотреться к его чайнику. Или это лампа?..

Gene is a mithycal brawler and a good control brawler

Defensive/healer build

2019 Gene back

So good

Attack not defence

Build is situational (look guide)