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8-Bit full details

8-Bit - BombardingValkyrie900378
Updated Nov 30, 2024

Cheat CartridgeBoosted BoosterDamageReload Speed
Cheat CartridgeBoosted BoosterDamageReload Speed
Cheat Cartridge

Cheat Cartridge

8-Bit instantly teleports to his Damage Booster.

Boosted Booster
Star Power

Boosted Booster

Increases the Damage Booster's range by 50% and boosts damage by an additional 15%.

Gear 1


Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.

Reload Speed
Gear 2

Reload Speed

15% faster Reload.


An arcade game famous for its brutal difficulty, 8-Bit always hated its players. Now that it's missing one of its guns, it's angrier than ever before.8-Bit is a Damage Dealer and a Super Rare brawler. It max health at level 11 is 10000 health and has very slow movement speed. Its attack consists of 6 projectiles, each dealing 640 damage, dealing a maximum of 3840 damage. Its range is very long with normal reload speed. Its Damage Booster has 5600 health with a 35% damage boost.Blaster Beams: Shoots a burst of Blaster Beams that damage any opponent they hit. The beams have a slight spread. Damage Booster: Deploys a turret that increases the damage output of all friendly Brawlers in its area of effect.Gadgets-
Cheat Cartridge: 8-Bit instantly teleports to his Damage Booster.Extra Credits: 8-Bit's next attack has the number of projectiles increased to 18.Star Powers-
Boosted Booster: Increases the Damage Booster's range by 50% and boosts damage by an additional 15%.Plugged In: When 8-Bit is near his Damage Booster, he will plug in and have increased movement speed.Epic Gear: 15% faster reloadHypercharge: Buffs while HyperchargedSuper: 8-Bit's turret now has a laser that shoots nearby enemies. Shots do 230 damage.
Damage: +25%
Speed: +26%
Shield: +5%Level 1 stats:
Health: 5000
Damage: 6320
Damage Booster Health: 2800Level 2 stats:
Health: 5500
Damage: 6
Damage Booster Health: 3080Level 3 stats:
Health: 6000
Damage: 6384
Damage Booster Health: 3360Level 4 stats:
Health: 6500
Damage: 6
Damage Booster Health: 3640Level 5 stats:
Health: 7000
Damage: 6448
Damage Booster Health: 3920Level 6 stats:
Health: 7500
Damage: 6
Damage Booster Health: 4200Level 7 stats:
Health: 8000
Damage: 6512
Damage Booster Health: 4480Level 8 stats:
Health: 8500
Damage: 6
Damage Booster Health: 4760Level 9 stats:
Health: 9000
Damage: 6576
Damage Booster Health: 5040Level 10 stats:
Health: 9500
Damage: 6
Damage Booster Health: 5320

About This Build

This build, 8-Bit full details, was created by BombardingValkyrie900378 on Nov 29, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, 8-Bit, and uses the Cheat Cartridge gadget, Boosted Booster star power, Damage gear, and Reload Speed gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best 8-Bit build and others.

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