Clash Royale Kazakhstan Leaderboards
Updated 13h
Rank | Name | Rating | Clan |
1 | キング|Kokushibo❤️KZElven Paradise✨ | 2119 | Elven Paradise✨ |
2 | 001KZOops | 2104 | Oops |
3 | 001KZLost Hell | 2091 | Lost Hell |
4 | AscendedKZNoA | 2021 | NoA |
5 | AscendedKZNoA | 2010 | NoA |
6 | NovA KZ❤️DAVIDKZNovA KZ | 2007 | NovA KZ |
7 | ʙᴀʀɪɴᴏᴠKZ#BLOOD ACADEM# | 1966 | #BLOOD ACADEM# |
8 | バリノフKZRed Alert | 1953 | Red Alert |
9 | nUrzi❤️ArushkaKZХозяин Кланов | 1921 | Хозяин Кланов |
10 | Neptune海王星✨™KZEOG Helheim | 1905 | EOG Helheim |
11 | ayronKZtokk1o | 1888 | tokk1o |
12 | 『KZ12』Nurik ツKZ"Империя РФ" | 1880 | "Империя РФ" |
13 | NoMercy™KZMILK and HONEY | 1864 | MILK and HONEY |
14 | FriedrichKZNovA KZ | 1861 | NovA KZ |
15 | MambaKZtokk1o | 1816 | tokk1o |
16 | Carrisford✨KZScorpion Team | 1809 | Scorpion Team |
17 | tamaKZNovoatom | 1800 | Novoatom |
18 | 1792 | СССР | |
19 | Night Witch...KZ! ShocK-2 ! | 1792 | ! ShocK-2 ! |
20 | 1748 | Oops | |
21 | romaKZOops | 1745 | Oops |
22 | FURYKZMILK and HONEY | 1744 | MILK and HONEY |
23 | SpotuKZtrade | 1733 | trade |
24 | Aflapoid❤️KZAlmaty2030 | 1718 | Almaty2030 |
25 | NovA I BaukaKZNovA KZ | 1712 | NovA KZ |
26 | AlikKZBlackpill | 1703 | Blackpill |
27 | 챔피언aKa[Jami_CR]KZ | 1702 | |
28 | 1nsaneKZThat Was Easy | 1698 | That Was Easy |
29 | ✨Arys❤️シュアリーズ✨KZScorpion Team | 1696 | Scorpion Team |
30 | ⚡FOOT⚡KZLava❤Eclipse | 1663 | Lava❤Eclipse |
31 | MySJTKZElven Paradise✨ | 1656 | Elven Paradise✨ |
32 | Aik❤SevenKZInsecure | 1655 | Insecure |
33 | AbiLoVskyKZAlmaty city | 1640 | Almaty city |
34 | deisyx6KZAlmaty2030 | 1632 | Almaty2030 |
35 | KlirosKZScorpion Team | 1627 | Scorpion Team |
36 | M1racleKZLMAO | 1617 | LMAO |
37 | Q.BeiLL? ŶÊŜ=)KZAlmaty2030 | 1608 | Almaty2030 |
38 | — Kaiten☯️ .KZtokk1o | 1557 | tokk1o |
39 | ☆•Amigo•☆KZOops | 1553 | Oops |
40 | ♤Jan♤KZOops | 1512 | Oops |
41 | haer1nKZShadow【光影】 | 1508 | Shadow【光影】 |
42 | МОЩНЫЙ!KZХозяин Кланов | 1507 | Хозяин Кланов |
43 | echte liebeKZQR | 1500 | QR |
44 | АйналайынKZkings Of Clash⚜ | 1493 | kings Of Clash⚜ |
45 | ForestKZAlmaty2030 | 1484 | Almaty2030 |
46 | Bars✨KZElven Paradise✨ | 1462 | Elven Paradise✨ |
47 | T-800KZСССР | 1440 | СССР |
48 | КастиэльKZКузькина Мать | 1403 | Кузькина Мать |
49 | Daimler-BenzKZLadoga47 | 1317 | Ladoga47 |
50 | dragoKZКАЗАХСТАН | 1256 | КАЗАХСТАН |
Clash Royale Leaderboards
This page shows all of the top players in Kazakhstan. Check out each player, their rating, and which Clan they play in. You can also click on any of the players to go to a dedicated profile page where you can view more detailed statistics on the player.
Only the top 100 players for each country are displayed. You can jump between different countries or the Global leaderboards by using the dropdown menu at the top of the page. The top players for each country are who are referenced when generating the Clash Royale Pro Decks.