Clash Royale Norway Leaderboards
Updated 1h
Rank | Name | Rating | Clan |
1 | NightLightNO | 2357 | |
2 | Rookie❤️CRNOInfinity | 2321 | Infinity |
3 | VestbøNONorwegians | 2061 | Norwegians |
4 | xGoodKnightNONorwegians | 1992 | Norwegians |
5 | EmporioStefanoNOHouse of Rez | 1984 | House of Rez |
6 | 2>¡B A N Z A I!NONorwegians | 1979 | Norwegians |
7 | ⚡Pãou❤CR⚡NOActivNorge | 1976 | ActivNorge |
8 | ACNOvi over 30 år | 1941 | vi over 30 år |
9 | the viking kingNOUltimate Norsk | 1931 | Ultimate Norsk |
11 | TheFireManNOjødebarna | 1894 | jødebarna |
12 | GrisenNOActivNorge | 1889 | ActivNorge |
13 | ⚡️-DiDRiK-⚡️NONorgestoppen | 1878 | Norgestoppen |
14 | AleksejNOThe Bloddy Pig | 1839 | The Bloddy Pig |
15 | PuzzleNOZaXiQi | 1839 | ZaXiQi |
16 | 1824 | Ultimate Norsk | |
17 | Prinz❤️LogbaitNOMotvind | 1784 | Motvind |
18 | aleksNOhomsetrollene | 1768 | homsetrollene |
19 | AltevarNODet Runde Bord | 1759 | Det Runde Bord |
20 | 1754 | heistad | |
21 | Grude ByggNONorwegian Force | 1751 | Norwegian Force |
22 | T8848|UNknownNO云上三千仞 | 1744 | 云上三千仞 |
23 | barratt_miniNOHouse of Rez | 1732 | House of Rez |
24 | erikluhovics7NOnoraerdigg | 1729 | noraerdigg |
25 | SmokeyyNOpump it pump it | 1722 | pump it pump it |
26 | Sir HkeNODet Runde Bord | 1720 | Det Runde Bord |
27 | MartinCame • CRNOtoalett-krigere | 1712 | toalett-krigere |
28 | Flack❤️HogNONorwegians | 1707 | Norwegians |
29 | ELORH❤️NoSkillNONova l YouTube | 1705 | Nova l YouTube |
30 | ⚡️Trebjønn⚡️NONorwegians | 1700 | Norwegians |
31 | KulingenNOZaXiQi | 1697 | ZaXiQi |
32 | Fersk_grill54NONorwegian Force | 1696 | Norwegian Force |
33 | Sander plays 2NONorwegian Force | 1688 | Norwegian Force |
34 | thick nobbNOGRANOLA | 1664 | GRANOLA |
35 | Omar Games-YTNOدرع حماة | 1664 | درع حماة |
36 | NcXNONorwegian Elite | 1657 | Norwegian Elite |
37 | Theo05NONorwegians | 1650 | Norwegians |
38 | EVONOCR961 | 1640 | CR961 |
39 | PhilipusMaximusNONorgestoppen | 1640 | Norgestoppen |
40 | ChechenNOALPHA KINGS 2 | 1640 | ALPHA KINGS 2 |
41 | Korsfarer ☦️NOКиєве Мій✨️ | 1628 | Києве Мій✨️ |
42 | TobNONorwegians | 1625 | Norwegians |
43 | Pe578NOTranslux | 1622 | Translux |
44 | ApexiaNONorwegians | 1620 | Norwegians |
45 | ΖgsNOLithuaniaHQ | 1614 | LithuaniaHQ |
46 | Martin AasmundsNOMonkeyBusiness | 1610 | MonkeyBusiness |
47 | SobiNOHIHIHA | 1609 | HIHIHA |
48 | moiesenNOjåttåkongene | 1602 | jåttåkongene |
49 | mrbabbNO | 1598 | |
50 | TheoNO | 1577 | |
51 | MateoNOBRSK | 1571 | BRSK |
52 | 1540 | Norgestoppen | |
53 | Mati760NONorwegian Force | 1539 | Norwegian Force |
54 | OliverNOBomme en? | 1531 | Bomme en? |
55 | mikkiNOTelemark Panter | 1501 | Telemark Panter |
56 | 为中华之崛起而读书NO魔影x | 1484 | 魔影x |
57 | OliverNOClash of Norway | 1452 | Clash of Norway |
58 | 1436 | Norgestoppen | |
59 | Free Top GNOHouse of Rez | 1408 | House of Rez |
60 | KuapStarNOtt: kuap_cr | 1395 | tt: kuap_cr |
61 | kosovosrbijaNO#JUNACI# | 1361 | #JUNACI# |
62 | JossiBNOTelemark Panter | 1305 | Telemark Panter |
63 | ⚡️❤️Kriske❤️⚡️NOBlackboys | 1210 | Blackboys |
64 | buggo goggoNOGnomene | 1209 | Gnomene |
65 | vareth.kNOBenkesliterne | 1176 | Benkesliterne |
66 | KissPoolNOValhall | 1170 | Valhall |
Clash Royale Leaderboards
This page shows all of the top players in Norway. Check out each player, their rating, and which Clan they play in. You can also click on any of the players to go to a dedicated profile page where you can view more detailed statistics on the player.
Only the top 100 players for each country are displayed. You can jump between different countries or the Global leaderboards by using the dropdown menu at the top of the page. The top players for each country are who are referenced when generating the Clash Royale Pro Decks.