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Cotton Cookie

The soft and warm cotton fluff in Cotton Cookie's dough granted her a heart so warm not even a raging blizzard could scare her off. The way she handles her flock of cute wooly sheep ever so gently with her tiny lantern in hand can make anyone feel at peace! Having a lantern in Cotton Cookie's land of constant snowfall is very important: not only stray sheep but also Cookies lost among the dreary white hills depend on it. Cotton Cookie can often be seen restlessly looking at the sky on snowy days—as though expecting to find something amidst the drifting snowflakes. Sometimes, she mentions a Cookie dear to her: her serene, calm face lightens up, making the listener wonder... what happened? Will we ever learn that someone out there is keeping a piece of these snowy plains in their heart? And that a warm yellow light of the tiny lantern will always shine for that special someone. Always.

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A Warm Light
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A Warm Light

While Cotton Cookie's lantern shines, the warm light will periodically restore the allies' HP and increase the summoned creatures' ATK. Additionally, Cotton Cookie summons sheep that will charge at the enemies, dealing area damage and stunning them. The summoned sheep will fight alongside the Cookies for a certain time.