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Frost Queen Cookie

Somewhere amidst endless snow stands the lone castle of ice. In its halls of perpetual twilight dwells Frost Queen Cookie, the sovereign of winter itself. Like a fairytale queen, she dazzles with regal magnificence, yet her icy gaze leaves your soul cold and dreary, like tundra after a relentless blizzard. Her Cookie heart with all its mortal hopes and passions is long but frozen, all but one: her adamant will to accomplish her mission. A mission of utmost importance to the existence of the world. Ages might pass, but the castle of ice will remain: and so will Frost Queen Cookie, the guide for the myriads of Life-bearing snowflakes.

Frost Queen Cookie PortraitLegendary shine
LegendaryMagic IconMagicMiddle IconMiddle

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Freezing Squall
Clock cooldown icon18s

Freezing Squall

Casts a squall of freezing energy dealing damage and freezing all enemies. Once Frozen, the targets' Cooldown will be paused and will receive an additional portion of damage when thawed. If the Freeze debuff is dispelled, the targets will not receive the additional damage. Frost Queen Cookie herself is immune to freezing. While Frost Queen Cookie is using her skill, she will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects.