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Lilac Cookie

Lilac petals are known as one of the core ingredients of the love potion. Finely sliced fragments of these petals were sprinkled into the dough and baked under the scorching desert sun. Lilac Cookie treads behind the veil of darkness only to appear with a gust of petals, mere moments before his unsuspecting foes take their final breath. Luring his targets with an irresistible fragrance, Lilac Cookie swiftly sends them to their end with his razor-sharp chakrams, leaving neither footprints nor a sound. The only remnants of his presence are but a few purple petals on the ground... and the lingering, yet soothing scent of lilac in the air.

Lilac Cookie PortraitEpic shine
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Starter Toppings

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Chakram Throw
Clock cooldown icon13s

Chakram Throw

Lilac Cookie throws his chakrams in several rounds over a period of time. Friendly units are impressed by the graceful movements, and gain increased regular attack DMG proportional to their ATK SPD boost rate.


Crimson Sunset Incense

Crimson Sunset Incense

There is something different in this dusk today. Everything stands still, as though time itself has stopped under the crimson sky. Only Lilac Cookie lurks within this garden of shadows towards his goal.



Lilac Cookie will gladly delve into the shadows to protect his dear friend. And a trusty cape like this one should help avoid unwanted attention. Right, Lilac Cookie?
