Sinister Scheme
Matcha Cookie summons Tea Seeds at the enemies' location and causes an explosion. The Tea Seeds poison enemies, amplify debuff effects, and increase the duration of Poison-type Periodic DMG inflicted by the team. At times, Matcha Malice may manifest from a Tea Seed, shackling a random enemy, dealing damage, Cursing them, and applying Healing and Amplify DMG debuffs. Matcha Malice is even applied to Cookies who are resistant to interrupting effects. At the end of the skill's duration, Matcha Malice will deal explosion DMG and apply Silence. The chance of Matcha Malice's appearance will increase with more debuffs applied to Matcha Cookie. While Matcha Cookie is using her skill, she will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects.
- Tea Seed Poisoning: 45.4% DMG every 1.0 sec for 10.0 sec
- Amplified Debuffs: +10.0% for 10.0 sec; stacks up to x3
- Poison-type Periodic DMG Duration: +40.0% for 15.0 sec; stacks up to x1
- Matcha Malice chance: 10.0% +2.0% for every debuff; chance capped at 100.0%
- Matcha Malice: Poison DMG 256.5% every 0.1 sec and Shackles for 5.0 sec
- Matcha Malice Debuff: Amplify DMG +22.0% & Curse for 5.0 sec
- Matcha Malice Explosion: 523.4% DMG
- Silence: 10.0 sec