Seven Prophecies
Prophet Cookie delievers one out of seven prophecies. Upon invoking a prophecy, Prophet Cookie will heal an ally and amplify buffs they receive. Additionally, an extra skill effect will be activated depending on the symbol of the prophecy, dealing damage to the enemies and amplifying debuffs they receive. The debuffs applied by the prophecies are weaker than those of the original skills. Some prophecies do not have any additional effects. You can lock the effect of the prophecy, guaranteeting a specific effect, by equipping Toppings. While Prophet Cookie is using his skill, he will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects. Wandering around the Kingdom, Prophet Cookie will come up with Fortune Cookies every three days. Tap the Fortune Cookie to obtain a gift. The higher Prophet Cookie's rank, the better gift!
- DMG of Seven Prophecies: total DMG will range from 103.6% to 360.5%
- Amplified Debuffs: +5.0% for 20 sec, stacks up to 1
- Healing: heals 10.0% of ATK every 1 sec for 5 sec
- Amplified Buffs: +17.5% for 20 sec, stacks up to 1
- Locked Prophecy: activated upon exceeding 10.0% in CRIT% with Toppings