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Shining Glitter Cookie

In the morning, she is in a music show on TV. In the afternoon, smiling at you from a signed poster in a café. In the evening, dancing on a giant neon billboard! Not a day goes by without seeing Shining Glitter Cookie! Her songs are guaranteed instant hits, her live performance are unrivaled. At the peak of her pop stardom, she's ready to take on a new genre: ROCK! Turns out Shining Glitter Cookie was a fan of rock music all along. Haters will say there is no place for a fancy pop star in the world of rock, but that won't stop Shining Glitter Cookie! Get ready, Earthbread: Shining Glitter Cookie's Rock Spirit is about to dazzle you away!

Shining Glitter Cookie PortraitSuper Epic shine
Super EpicMagic IconMagicMiddle IconMiddle

Starter Toppings

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All Eyes on the Stage!
Clock cooldown icon12s

All Eyes on the Stage!

Shining Glitter Cookie begins singing the Glittering Song, dispelling all debuffs from herself, applying the Glittering Rock Spirit buff to her allies, and dealing damage to the enemies. Whenever the song lands a critical hit, it will partially ignore the target's DMG Resist and Zap them. If Shining Glitter Cookie manages to deal a certain number of critical hits with the Glittering Song, she will provide a CRIT DMG Resist buff for the entire team. While Shining Glitter Cookie is using her skill, she will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects.