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Earthquake3 Elixir


Unlocks at Arena 12

Deals Damage per second to Troops and Crown Towers. Deals huge Building Damage! Does not affect flying units (it is an EARTHquake, after all).

Damage Per Second
Damage Per Second39
Crown Tower Damage Per Sec
Crown Tower Damage Per Sec25
Slowdown Troops
Slowdown Troops-50%
Building Damage Per Sec
Building Damage Per Sec135


Based on the top performing decks in matches, this card synergizes best with these cards.

Cannon3 Elixirs
The Log2 Elixirs
Ice Spirit1 Elixir
Skeletons1 Elixir

Top Earthquake Decks

FirecrackerCannonSkeletonsIce SpiritMighty MinerHog RiderEarthquakeThe Log
Win Rate
from 39 matches
Copy Deck
Ice SpiritCannonArcher QueenSkeletonsEarthquakeThe LogRoyal DeliveryRoyal Hogs
Win Rate
from 411 matches
Copy Deck
FirecrackerCannonGoblinsThe LogIce SpiritEarthquakeHog RiderGoblinstein
Win Rate
from 33 matches
Copy Deck
CannonLumberjackArcher QueenSkeletonsEarthquakeThe LogIce SpiritHog Rider
Win Rate
from 22 matches
Copy Deck

About Earthquake

This is a dedicated page for the Earthquake card and its stats. Earthquake is a spell card, is of Rare rarity, and has an elixir cost of 3. This card can be retrieved once you get to Arena 12, adding it to the pool of all your existing cards.

Do you use this card in a deck that wins matches for you? Head over to our Clash Royale Deck Builder and build a deck to share with everyone. Be sure to write a detailed guide to provide the most help to other people who want to use your deck!