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Pekka Bridge Spam

Created by UpperMembership5167
Updated Aug 17, 2022

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Classic deck that is so versatile and it survived every meta for the past 3-4 years.


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P.E.K.K.A7 ElixirPoison4 ElixirZap2 ElixirElectro Wizard4 ElixirMagic Archer4 ElixirRoyal Ghost3 ElixirBandit3 ElixirBattle Ram4 Elixir

Stats lvl 11

Elixir Icon
Avg. Elixir3.9
Damage Icon
Avg. DMG263
Damage Per Second Icon
Avg. DPS129.5
Hitpoints Icon
Avg. HP1286


4Legendary icon
2Epic icon
1Rare icon
1Common icon

Arena Level



This deck is so op that it can counter any matchup and its been viable since long time ago. This deck is even played in top ladder a lot of times. This variation is op ever since then and it was used in 2019 crl with Surgical Goblin which he destroyed Morten with the last Magic Archer shot.

Keep your Marcher alive at all cost.

Royal Ghost when against cycle decks.

Soak some tower damage and don't rage if the opponent's high damage dealer got a connection and puts the enemy in damage lead as long as your tower is still alive and has more than 1500 HP.

Magic Archer geometry asap when the opportunity is found.

Never put anything when down elixir. Always have 7-10 elixirs when putting something.

If Pekka got skarmy, don't use poison if it gets you down in elixir, its overcommitment.

Last, Kite with Battle Ram and its fine if Battle Ram goes forward and messes up the kiting cause at least you are distracting something.


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