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Classics and a Hog

Created by DepthCharge
Updated Jun 3, 2024

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A straightforward hog deck that uses classic card combos. Works great against many decks however it is weak to inferno tower or dagger duchess due to the medium and low hp of most cards. Evolution valk recommended.


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Valkyrie4 ElixirHog Rider4 ElixirDart Goblin3 ElixirInferno Dragon4 ElixirArrows3 ElixirGoblin Cage4 ElixirMini P.E.K.K.A4 ElixirFreeze4 Elixir

Stats lvl 11

Elixir Icon
Avg. Elixir3.8
Damage Icon
Avg. DMG238
Damage Per Second Icon
Avg. DPS198.7
Hitpoints Icon
Avg. HP908


1Legendary icon
1Epic icon
5Rare icon
1Common icon

Arena Level



Use hog pushes that are supported with arrows or freeze. If the opponent is heavily defensive, then the freeze will be essential to land damage. Other pushes consist of a valk with a pekka behind it (occasionally supported with a spell) or a valk with a goblin brawler behind it. Use the goblin cage defensively then counter push with the goblin brawler with valk if the brawler has enough hp. The brawler has great damage and dpm that may catch your opponent off guard due to its low use rate. If pekka and brawler get close to a tower or a group of medium hp or low hp cards (such as little prince, etc), then freeze to deal massive damage. This will be optimal if freeze is saved for this one crucial moment or if to prevent a champion ability. If a large group of cards are pushing your tower, freeze them first then drop pekka and/or valk to disintegrate the push). The deck struggles against inferno tower defense but a win can still be possible. Worst counter for this deck is dagger duchess unfortunately, and my win rate in it dropped from around 80% in it to only around 60% (which shifted it from my second best custom deck to third). Therefore, this deck is likely best used in arenas where duchess is not common.


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