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new avatar of destiny team

Created by toxicflame
Updated Nov 13, 2022

Oyster CookieSquid Ink CookieCherry Blossom CookieRye Cookie
Game ModeGuild Battle
Avg CooldownClock cooldown icon16.25s


Support Icon
Magic Icon
Ambush Icon
Ranged Icon




Old Pilgrim's ScrollLibrarian's Enchanted RobesSquishy Jelly Watch


the missing slot is supposed to be macaron but its not added to this site 😭

toppings requirements

macaron - 24% cd min

oyster - 24.3% cd

squid - around 5% cd, high enough atk speed to get robes buff

cherry blossom - around 6% cd

rye - 3% cd, enough attack speed to gain robes buff alongside squid (level 10+ magic candy required)

i must mention that you can either use full raspberry (attack) on rye and squid, or use 3 raspberry 2 apple jelly (crit%). both are good options but i prefer 3 attack 2 crit

when the battle starts, turn auto on and queue macaron, when she casts her skill, queue cherry blossom.

(leave auto on for the entire battle, but try and queue every cookies skills so that they activate faster)

when cherry blossom goes off when they reach the boss, cast oyster at the same time and then rye and squid ink immediately after.

when the first set of tombstones are dropped, let the game auto activate cherry blossoms skill (basically just dont touch her skill at all with auto on ofc)

you dont need to do much until the very last bit. when squid and cherry blossom are about to do their last skills before the timer runs out.

queue macaron and activate squid and cherry blossom straight after her skill is casted.

(video just in case is linked below)


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Cookie Run: Kingdom graphic with GingerBrave and a kingdom