monk slaps! (full guide)
I had over 30 win streak and global top1000 ranking with this deck. sorry for long guide
follow this guide and you can counter almost any deck. I have shown how u can counter countess+camp gizmo which is op rn
okay so the main carry of this deck is going to be dart gob with pekka and monk tanking and dealing some heavy damage, ice wiz to slow frontline minis with miner and fisherman for backline minis.
*First round, put down pekka and ice wiz/miner
*second round , place down dart gob or upgrade pekka and ice wiz/miner to unlock gizmos depending on matchup
*Third round, upgrade pekka to 1st and 3rd star for frontline tanks or upgrade dart gob and miner for backline minis depending on matchup. Fisherman is there as a surprise element for pulling backline minis and heroes like AQ/countess near training camp/dart gob
almost all gizmos are viable with this deck like pancaker+miner, training camp+dart gob, sauna+pekka
The only counter to this deck is witch which wastes monk super but it can be countered to some extent with miner(dissipate) and fisherman pull.
*first round , put pekka and ice wiz down and place ice wiz very close to pekka and monk, it will be very easy to win 1st round with monk super
*second round , upgrade pekka to 1st star and ice wiz to 3rd star and unlock gizmos good against countess like potter or u can even use training camp with pekka and monk .countess kills ice ice wiz triggering freeze giving pekka and monk time to take her down.
*third round ,place dart gob and fisherman and try to pull countess from near the training camp.
*fourth round , if u didnt win in 3rd round upgrade dart gob and place him near training camp for most value along with ice wiz near him. since ice wiz has less hp than dart gob she will first kill her triggering freezer letting dart gob take her out.
Try to 3star your miner and put him on one side of the board and put fisherman on the other end. This way if fisherman doesnt pull AQ miner can take care of her. Also try to pair miner with pancaker gizmo for most value.
Created Nov 28, 2022 by BoomingWizard768821
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 6 (Max) + 10 remaining elixir6 (Max) + 4 remaining elixir3 (Max) + 10 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck counter any deck! was originally created on Nov 28, 2022 by BoomingWizard768821. This deck uses Monk as the hero with Dart Goblin, Miner, Fisherman, P.E.K.K.A, and Ice Wizard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 9.4, and HP at 149.
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