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Created by Xthunder3000
Updated Dec 4, 2022


Let the magic archer destroy the entire board, while mega knight and monk tank and stun


Avg CostElixir icon2.8
Avg DPSSword icon1.47
Avg HPHeart icon25.83
Magic Archer
Mega Knight
Spear Goblin


Monk: Has to at least be level 5, to deal with shield maiden and other tanks, and to be able to silence clash abilities. His boast is not very important, but it is good to have so you can activate his super much more often.

Mega Knight: Get earthquake in later rounds, only if needed. Other than that, he is only used for being a tank. If you have enough elixir, then you could also get dark armor.

Barbarian: In some situations, you will want to use the barbarian’s first or third star ability to A, help the magic archer or B, just be able to destroy beefy opponents such as mega knight. His third star is probably more important because you really want to get the magic archer up and going.

Magic Archer: You will want to max this guy out, because he is your main carry and he is just really good. The best order in my opinion is 1st star, then 2nd star, then 3rd star. He is your main troop that you want to upgrade, and you cannot ply this deck without maxing him out. I recommend getting steel tips first, because it can really help you deal with troops such as the witch.

Miner: This guy is just used to deal extra damage to the opponents so you can get good hits off of them while they are dealing with your mega knight. You may want to get backstab or cleave, depending on the situation. If you are facing the monk, then you should use drain so he cannot activate his super very often.

Spear goblin: The spear goblin is mostly used for his clash ability at the start, so you can get his first star. But if you do not think you will have enough elixir, then you may not want to upgrade him. He can be replaced with the bowler, I would just rather have him, solely because he is cheaper.


Pocket ArtilleryPocket Artillery
Pocket Artillery
Magic Archer
Mega Knight
Spear Goblin

You can put the rocket in front of the magic archer, so that if it does go down, it ill still tank for the magic archer. You may want to put mega knight or monk in front, just to make sure it does not get destroyed right away.

Mucho PunchoMucho Puncho
Mucho Puncho
Magic Archer
Mega Knight
Spear Goblin

This is a gizmo that you should use when facing countess, to protect the magic archer. It will stop the countess from moving, so she cannot teleport and is not tht much of a problem.

Elixir CollectorElixir Collector
Elixir Collector
Magic Archer
Mega Knight
Spear Goblin

You will want to use this gizmo when you are in a rumble or a duel that will potentially be a really long game. You will use it to get that extra elixir to upgrade the magic archer and the mega knight.


VS.Royal GhostRoyal GhostTwo Swords
Magic Archer
Mega Knight
Spear Goblin

You will want to get the second star for the mega knight, so it will stun the ghost, for hopefully enough time to take it out with monk, magic archer, or miner.

VS.Skeleton KingSkeleton KingTwo Swords
Magic Archer
Mega Knight
Spear Goblin

If you spread your low hp minis out, then he will not rack up that many souls, leading to him being a very easy kill.

VS.Wave MasterWave MasterTwo Swords
Magic Archer
Mega Knight
Spear Goblin

Again, you will want to spread your minis out, jut so the opponent does not get all the value for the wave master’s super. You may want to keep the magic archer closer, so the wave master does not rush to him.

VS.PekkaPekkaTwo Swords
Magic Archer
Mega Knight
Spear Goblin

You will want to get dark armor on your mega knight, just so he can stun the PEKKA, and the monk can rack up energy to take it out. Honestly, using this deck, this was the hardest thing to get past.

VS.Giant SkeletonGiant SkeletonTwo Swords
Magic Archer
Mega Knight
Spear Goblin

Spread your low hp minis out, so that the bomb does not effect them. Make absolutely sure that magic archer and spear goblin are in the back line so they are not in range of the bomb.

Mega Knight
Spear Goblin
Magic Archer

Created Dec 4, 2022 by Xthunder3000


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconBarbarianSpear GoblinMiner
    9Star (Max) + 4 remaining elixir
  • 4 Elixir iconMagic ArcherMega Knight

About This Deck

The deck MagicMegaMonk was originally created on Dec 4, 2022 by Xthunder3000. This deck uses Monk as the hero with Magic Archer, Mega Knight, Barbarian, Spear Goblin, and Miner as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 8.8, and HP at 155.

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