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BK Attack Speed

Barbarian King

Created by Metredi
Updated Dec 11, 2022


To boost the attack speed and increase overall DPS of your team.



This deck is pretty balanced cost wise, with one 4, two 3s and two 2s. In my tests with different combos, i have found this one to be a pretty effective deck when paired with Barbarian King.

The spear goblin is in this deck because of his clash ability, which can be devastating when it hits a squishy, and if you upgrade to Skillful Toss, you can get an attack speed boost temporarily.

The fisherman allows you to possibly hook an enemy, bringing them into a situation which can get them burst down pretty quickly, especially if the Barbarian King is near. For his first upgrade, get either Heavy Hook, to stun the enemy for longer dand give more time to KO them, or Fish Growth, to increase fishermans attack speed when someone is hooked.

The reason for the lumberjack to be in this deck is for his rage potion clash ability, which you get in battle after upgrading him once. Make sure to have your troops grouped up around him when you can use this ability, so you can make the most of the increased attack speed. On top of this, it is a good idea to have him on the front lines with your barbarian king and barbarian, as when he dies, he can give them another attack speed boost.

The healing ranger is your support for this deck. She has decent damage, and her healing can quite possibly save your team and win you the round. I recommend that for her first upgrade you get the Inspire ability, to increase attack speed.

The witch will summon more troops to swarm the enemy. These skeletons will overwhelm the enemy, and they can be fearsome, especially when attack speed boosted.

This deck most likely will not win you the first round of a battle, but it has won me the rounds after. It becomes more powerful the second and third rounds, which can make the enemy underestimate your power.


Pocket ArtilleryPocket Artillery

Playing with:
The Pocket Artillery, or as i tend to call it, the ballistic missile, can potentially wipe an entire enemy team, if they are grouped too close together. This gizmo can obliterate an enemy Hero. Keep in mind that the Barbarian King will live if his invincibility hasn't been triggered yet!

Playing against:
Make sure to spread out your troops if you are up against the Pocket Artillery. Apart from this, there is not much you can do to stop it.


Playing with:
Just keep it in a corner. If there is Monk on the enemy team, though, you probably are better off with a different Gizmo. See counters below.

Playing against:
Make sure to NOT hook the most powerful enemy first, as they will come back stronger when they die and are sent to the sauna.


VS.MonkMonkTwo Swords

Monk is a bit of an annoying Hero to play against. He appears to be immune to the fisherman's hook, so if you try to hook him, it won't work. On top of that, he can one shot your Sauna with his super. He also can stop your abilities for a time with his clash ability. You must keep your Heal Ranger out of this ability, as that will stop the heals for long enough to KO 1 or 2 of your troops.

VS.Dart GoblinDart GoblinTwo Swords

Dart goblin can speed shoot, and absolutely obliterate your entire team when this happens. Make sure to hook him first and get him out of the battle, unless the enemy has a Sauna. See Gizmo section.

BK Attack Speed
Barbarian King
Healing Ranger
Spear Goblin

Created Dec 11, 2022 by Metredi


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconSpear Goblin
    3Star (Max) + 16 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconFishermanHealing RangerWitchLumberjack

About This Deck

The deck BK Attack Speed was originally created on Dec 11, 2022 by Metredi. This deck uses Barbarian King as the hero with Fisherman, Spear Goblin, Healing Ranger, Witch, and Lumberjack as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 8.6, and HP at 141.

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