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Bk Musketeer with Healing Ranger

Barbarian King

Created by Cheese_867
Updated Dec 30, 2022


keep Bk and Musketeer alive with Healing Ranger and deal a bunch of damage



Just mentioning: This is my first time describing the utility of the deck

Your main goal here is to keep your Bk and Musketeer alive to deal lots of Damage. Because of Healing ranger's 1st and 3re star upgrade and Bk's attack buff, u can deal damage to your enemy, without losing most of your troops. And with the possibilites to stun the enemy's troops , it should be easier to load the supers. In some situations, you should play different with the positioning and kind of troops (as shown down in the counters guide section). Now to the part, how you should play with this main position:

Round 1:
- Musketeer and Healing Ranger behind Bk
- if neither shows up in your rerolls, you most likley lose the first round
- Dart Goblin with 1st star upgrade should be also fine

Round 2:
-Musketeer with 1st or 3rd star upgrade, depens on how many minis are there on the board
-Healing Ranger on 3rd star upgrade for extra hit speed
- If is not the case E-wiz and Magic archer should to the job. Still try to upgradethe main Minis

Round 3-5:
-try to fully upgrade both Musketeer and Healing Ranger and upgrade the rest of the minis
- Magic Archer and E-wiz must be also upgraded (but no need)
-Dart Goblin if wished 1st and 2nd star upgrade


Barbarian King
Electro Wizard
Magic Archer
Healing Ranger
Dart Goblin

Sauna should be placed there, because if one mini gets knocked the mini will the really fast in battle again

-Magic Archer should get knocked on purpose, because of his very much increased
attack speed and damage

Barbarian King
Electro Wizard
Magic Archer
Healing Ranger
Dart Goblin

Pancaker should be placed there, because if Bk is in the furthest rank, he will get the Pancake an can't get knocked that quick. Enough time to load the supers of the Minis

Elixir CollectorElixir Collector
Elixir Collector
Barbarian King
Electro Wizard
Magic Archer
Healing Ranger
Dart Goblin

Elixir Collector should be placed there for maximum protection. if you stall the round long enough, you will get a mass of Elixir to spend on the minis.

If you are on the board "Shipwreck", place the Elixir Collector near the Bounce seashell, so the minis of the enemy and hurt your minis .

Beware that the enemy has also the option to pick the Elixir collector and get lots of Eixir.


VS.CountessCountessTwo Swords
Barbarian King
Electro Wizard
Magic Archer
Healing Ranger
Dart Goblin

You can't do that much against Countess, rather switching the positions and putting Magic Archer and E-wiz in the back rank, so the Countess (if the super is ready) teleports to them .

VS.MonkMonkTwo Swords
Barbarian King
Electro Wizard
Magic Archer
Healing Ranger
Dart Goblin

Just like Countess, switch the positions, so the Monk can't "silence" your abilities

VS.Spear GoblinSpear GoblinTwo Swords
Barbarian King
Electro Wizard
Magic Archer
Healing Ranger
Dart Goblin

every clash ability
(for instance : -Rc
-Wm Pushing his minis to the front
-Prince, Bowler, Fisherman, Spear Goblin, Miner)
switch positions ervery time

VS.Dart GoblinDart GoblinTwo Swords

Dart Goblin can ( if his attack speed stacks for like 10 seconds) can obliterate your whole team.
-Try to use Magic Archer and Pierce trough the enemy's minis to hit the Dart

Bk Musketeer with Healing Ranger
Barbarian King
Dart Goblin
Electro Wizard
Healing Ranger
Magic Archer

Created Dec 30, 2022 by Cheese_867


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 3 Elixir iconHealing RangerMusketeerDart Goblin
  • 4 Elixir iconElectro WizardMagic Archer

About This Deck

The deck Bk Musketeer with Healing Ranger was created by Cheese_867. This deck uses Barbarian King as the hero with Electro Wizard, Magic Archer, Healing Ranger, Musketeer, and Dart Goblin as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 17, DPS at 9.3, and HP at 139.

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