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nightace's Countess 2.6


Created by nightace
Updated Jan 10, 2023


A good deck with insane synergy, try it out!


Avg CostElixir icon2.8
Avg DPSSword icon2.25
Avg HPHeart icon21.67
Ice Wizard
Royal Ghost


Warning: This deck is intended for the January 5th 2023 balance changes and may not work as well due to future balance changes.

-Miner is a versatile mini, in this deck it is used to distract and destroy most ranged units (everything except Magic Archer) and, with its energy drain ability, can be used to destroy annoying minis with dangerous abilities such as Musketeer, Electro Wizard and Witch. Miner should be at max 2 starred unless the situation calls for it or if you have an elixir pump. Use Miner if you see your opponent play ranged minis, Miner should be upgraded with its energy drain ability and then cleave ability, backstab isn't as useful but you can 3 star it for the health and DPS boost if your opponent is mainly using ranged units. Miner can be placed almost anywhere but try to make it avoid units with abilities like Spear Goblin and Prince as they can counter Miner if placed correctly, also avoid Monk as it can stop a Miner from digging to the other side. If targeting Gizmos place it next to the Gizmo and not directly into it as that can delay the Miner slightly, however if targeting ranged minis place it directly in the mini's lane and you will move it out of its place, which can sometimes be advantageous.

-Swordsman is one of your main attackers, try place it next to the Countess, at max you should 2 star it, as its first ability can be a bit pointless however if you think it will help you can 3 star it, you should always go for the stun ability first as this counters a lot of tanks and heroes then the shield ability second, though you can do the shield ability first if it helps you against your opponent.

-Ice Wizard is one of your best minis at support as it with its help you can decimate a lot of heroes and strong attacking, slow moving minis. Ice wizard should be placed behind all of your attack but not at the very back as it does not have infinite range, you should never 3 star Ice Wizard (of course unless you have the elixir, have elixir pump or you think you're going to need the extra health and DPS) as its third ability is pointless and does nothing to help you after the recent balance changes, it should be upgraded in its default order because that is the most effective for its purpose.

-Lumberjack is your tank, place it in the front of all your minis, it is your tank because it allows your minis to stay alive and when Lumberjack dies it will buff your troops with a rage spell. Lumberjack shouldn't be 3 starred (because of its 3rd ability) as although it gets to the death rage ability quicker, the Lumberjack is still your tank and not your attacker, so if it is slowly dying along with all the damage it is tanking, its not going to help you. Lumberjack should have the Cast ability starred first as this gives a buff to your troops at the start of the game, upgrade it to the 2nd ability when you think you have enough elixir or have elixir pump.

-Royal Ghost is the most expensive mini in this deck, this means it shouldn't be used as much as playing it can be a bit risky, Royal Ghost can also be a bit risky as it is only extremely valuable when it is 3 starred. Royal Ghost should be in the middle of it all, behind the Lumberjack in the front and next to Countess and Swordsman (if you don't have Swordsman on the board you can use really any other unit but shy away from Lumberjack as it is your tank) as those 2 will take advantage of the Ghost's invisibility ability (turns 2 minis either side of him invisible) the most. Ghost should be upgraded with its healing (boast) ability first because it doesn't have enough DPS yet to really take advantage of it, then the invisibility (third) upgrade second as the first ability is the most useless, try only upgrade the ghost past 1 star if you have an elixir pump or you think it will help you in the game.

-Countess may be one of the weakest heroes in terms of health however it is one of the fastest and strongest because of its teleporting ability and its stacking DPS... Also it takes no skill in terms of placement, just make sure to avoid those Spear Goblins!

-In terms of Gizmos, always go for Elixir Collector as it gives you a massive advantage, if there is none go for the King Tower as it will destroy your opponent's Gizmo which can be potentially game changing while also supporting your own troops, if neither of those 2 Gizmos are there, pick your Gizmo depending on your situation and how your opponent's playing.

End note: You can really put all these troops in a bunch of different combinations, some games I don't even play Swordsman or Royale Ghost, all the cards synergise well with each other, but most importantly have fun!


Elixir CollectorElixir Collector
Elixir Collector
Ice Wizard
Royal Ghost

Elixir Pump should be played in the back, try not to let it get destroyed, so play it in the back and elixir should build up and give you a massive advantage allowing you to win. You should try get Elixir Pump as quickly as possible, if you can get it by the first round, do it, if you can't get it by the first round you have to get it by the second. Also Miner can be placed anywhere as it is versatile and should be used to destroy ranged troops, so just try target ranged troops and possibly Gizmos.

King TowerKing Tower
King Tower
Ice Wizard
Royal Ghost

Place the King Tower in front of all your troops as this gives it the most range to destroy your opponent's Gizmo which is extremely useful and will help you win the game, as it will also support you in attacking after destroying your opponent's Gizmo.

King TowerKing Tower
King Tower
Ice Wizard
Royal Ghost

you can also put the Lumberjack to the right or left of the King Tower and all your troops behind the King tower or Lumberjack if that's where your opponent's minis are.


VS.PekkaPekkaTwo Swords
Ice Wizard

Ice wizard (one star, first ability. Two star, first and second ability if troop is well supported) with Countess, Swordsman or possibly Royal Ghost will decimate PEKKA

VS.Mega KnightMega KnightTwo Swords
Ice Wizard

Ice wizard (one star, first ability. Two star, first and second ability if troop is well supported) with Countess, Swordsman or possibly Royal Ghost will decimate Mega Knight.

VS.Barbarian KingBarbarian KingTwo Swords
Ice Wizard

Ice wizard (one star, first ability. Two star, first and second ability if troop is well supported) with Countess, Swordsman or possibly Royal Ghost will decimate Barbarian King

Ice Wizard paired with another mini will destroy most heroes, and I'm not bothered to list all of them.

VS.MonkMonkTwo Swords
Ice Wizard

Ice wizard (one star, first ability, two star, first and second ability if troop is well supported) with Countess or Swordsman can possibly destroy Monk, however versing Monk you may need to position well or you may lose to a well supported Monk.

Ice Wizard paired with another mini will destroy most heroes, and I'm not bothered to list all of them.

VS.Electro WizardElectro WizardTwo Swords

Miner (2 star, 2nd and 3rd ability) will destroy Electro Wizard, Witch and Musketeer. 2 Star Miner may also beat Magic Archer alone but you should 3 star it if you want to be guaranteed to beat Magic Archer, though you still may lose if it is supported.

nightace's Countess 2.6
Royal Ghost
Ice Wizard

Created Jan 8, 2023 by nightace


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconMinerIce Wizard
    6Star (Max) + 10 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconSwordsmanLumberjack
    6Star (Max) + 4 remaining elixir
  • 4 Elixir iconRoyal Ghost
    3Star (Max) + 10 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck nightace's Countess 2.6 was originally created on Jan 8, 2023 by nightace. This deck uses Countess as the hero with Miner, Swordsman, Ice Wizard, Royal Ghost, and Lumberjack as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 13.5, and HP at 130.

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