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Countess Bait


Created by XenosigCM
Updated Mar 26, 2023


Bait out gizmos with Barcher, then lock the opponents down with Lj + E-Wiz



Deck is considerably easy to play, you just have to have game sense and know when to all-in on E-Wiz/ bait out gizmos like War Toot

For the first round, NEVER place E-Wiz down - it'll almost always be a guaranteed loss. Instead, place MK + Archer (if against BK 2 elixir, AQ or RC) or Barbarian (any other matchup). Whenever you play this deck, the most important thing early game is to get stacks with Countess - stacks meaning the Countess DPS increase for every KO. If Countess doesn't get a KO first round, she'll find it hard to catch up with early game powerhouses like SK or Monk - so getting at least one stack will set you off on the right foot.

So, how does the 'bait' work?
Play into/invest elixir into Barcher + LJ (place an MK, of course, but don't upgrade early unless gizmo) early to make the opponent think you're running a Barcher carry deck - making them place a gizmo like Saint Mirror or Mucho Puncho (for Countess). Now that they've got Gizmo locked in, invest heavily into E-Wiz and watch their setup crumble. Of course, this works especially well if there's War Toot and you bait them into another Gizmo (Toot is also good to pick for atk speed inc). If there's no Toot, then just go E-Wiz.

Star Upgrade Order/Explanation:
MK: 2nd star/3rd star/1st star OR 3rd star/2nd star/1st star
Really depends on matchup, I normally don't upgrade MK until late game or if I'm trying to get Gizmo. I prefer larger radius though as it pairs well with the deck, although 3rd star can be good

E-Wiz: 3rd star/1st star/2nd star OR 1st star/3rd star/2nd star
Once again depends on matchup, if against decks where they can pile up units quickly like BK 2 elixir, then go 1st star first - other than that, 3rd star is considerably better

Lumberjack: 2nd star/1st star/3rd star
Self explanatory, 2nd star is a MUST on LJ, 2nd star makes potion so much better, 3rd star can actually be decent with this deck as if you put LJ up front to tank dmg, it can power up the Countess twice ON TOP of the stacks

Barbarian: 3rd star (optional: 1st star/2nd star)
Yeah, that's really it. Not much reason to upgrade after 3rd star other than for Gizmos. Dump leftover elixir into him (say, if you get Pump)

Archer: 3rd star/1st star/2nd star OR 1st star/3rd star/2nd star
Depends on matchup and rerolls, I would normally go 1st star first as it's more reliable and does well against AQ, but if you get good Barb rerolls, then absolutely go for 3rd star first

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Hot PotHot Pot
Hot Pot
Electro Wizard
Mega Knight

Only really play Pot when you're against SK, Monk or SM. Obviously, protect Hot Pot and give it a clear route to the heat of the battle.

The layout shown isn't too good, but you get the gist - left side is opened up for Potter to walk to frontline

War TootWar Toot
War Toot
Electro Wizard
Mega Knight

Use against WM. Atk speed boost is really useful with this deck, combined with LJ it makes your Ewiz and Archer attack at light speed.

Saint MirrorSaint Mirror
Saint Mirror
Electro Wizard
Mega Knight

One of the best gizmos for this deck IMO, shuts down AQ and buys valuable time for E-Wiz, Barcher and Countess. Really, just a solid gizmo.


VS.Skeleton KingSkeleton KingTwo Swords
Electro Wizard
Mega Knight

Eh.. well, this layout (or matchup) isn't good, but you just want to stall SK from getting to your backline for as long as possible or isolating Countess (which happens way too much) BY ANY MEANS.

If you want to place Mucho Puncho at front to block SK, do it, Just don't let it get to backline so that E-Wiz and Archer can cook.

VS.Archer QueenArcher QueenTwo Swords
Electro Wizard
Mega Knight

Once again, AQ + 1-star Musky can shut down this deck early game. Just pray they get bad Musky rerolls or that they place Healing Ranger down (easy pickings for the Countess)

Saint Mirror or King Tower is a must to tank dmg.

VS.Giant SkeletonGiant SkeletonTwo Swords

Yeah... WM flips over 3 star Giant Skelly, bomb go boom, your push is completely gone.

Really, try to 'evade' the bomb by predicting where he might throw - this means getting your Minis to target anything other than the Giant Skelly.

Countess Bait
Mega Knight
Electro Wizard

Created Mar 26, 2023 by XenosigCM


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconArcherBarbarian
    6Star (Max) + 9 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconLumberjack
    3Star (Max) + 12 remaining elixir
  • 4 Elixir iconElectro WizardMega Knight

About This Deck

The deck Countess Bait was created by XenosigCM. This deck uses Countess as the hero with Electro Wizard, Mega Knight, Lumberjack, Archer, and Barbarian as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 12.1, and HP at 148.

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