Control the entire field and counter the best META troops with this deck

This deck is a great counter for a lot of meta troops such as bandit, witch and dart goblin. This deck provides a lot of crowd control and is great because it keeps most of its troops alive thanks to the healing ranger and the protection from the witches skeletons
I like to start out my games with bandit and wizard but if you can’t get that I also suggest witch and guard or healing ranger guard
In depth upgrade guide
For the bandits upgrades I suggest starting with the 2nd upgrade star because it helps a lot against troops like witch because bandit can regain the ability instantly, after 2nd upgrade I suggest 1st upgrade to stun the ranger troops and then the 3rd upgrade to have a faster kill time
For the healing ranger I suggest upgrading the 1st star first so that you get more healing done, after that I suggest the 2nd star to get a higher chance of hitting all your troops for massive healing and lastly I suggest you get the 3rd star to prevent really strong abilities like E wiz stun or ice wizards slow
For the skeleton guard upgrade order I suggest you start with 1st star upgrade so that he can rank more damage and block more damage for the countess so that countess can use more abilities, then I would take the 2nd star upgrade so that the countess gets a block and then I would take the 3rd star upgrade so that guard gets the block of start
For the wizard I suggest starting with the 3rd star upgrade if they have a witch if they don’t go for the 1st, then I suggest going for either the 1st or the 3rd depending on what your opponent played and then i suggest going for the 2nd star upgrade (but if they have a healing troop you should do 1* and then 2* and not the 3rd star)
For the witch I suggest you start with the 1st star upgrade so that you have more protection for your ranger units and more damage to your frontline, next I suggest going for the 3rd star upgrade to get more skeletons on the board faster and then I suggest getting the 2nd star upgrade but you might aswell skip this if you don’t have elixir since it’s not a priority
What each mini does
Wizard: CC
Skeleton guard: Damage Block
Healing ranger: hp+/anti CC
Bandit: CC
Witch: CC/Damage
Simple upgrade guide
Skeleton guard 1* 2* 3*
Witch 1* 3* 2*
Wizard 1* 3* 2*/ 2* 1* 3*
Bandit 2* 1* 3*
Healing ranger 1* 2* 3*/ 1* 3* 2*
The wizard and the healing rangers upgrade order need to be changed to the second option if they have the following troops
Wizard: battle healer, healing ranger, golden giant
Healing ranger: Electro wizard, ice wizard, knight, shield maiden, bowler, swordsman, musketeer
If your opponent doesn’t have any of these troops you should be fine going with the first upgrade path for both

If your opponents place there troops on the left side switch all your troops

It’s important to keep the sauna protected so if a troop dies it can respawn

It is important to protect the rocket so there it doesn’t die which is why I suggest placing the witch behind it so that I it can spawn skeletons to protect

For this matchup you want to pull attention away from your bandit so it doesn’t die to early since bandit is the best at countering archer queen
I would also suggest you using the 1st star upgrade against archer queen so you stun the queen and so she can’t use her ability

This matchup is easy if the barb king is in the middle so that all your troops focus on him and the witches skeletons finish him off after his 3 second block runs out
If that doesn’t work bandit with stun ability should (of course only if the barb king is furthest away)

Monk is a very difficult matchup since the monk can easily once shot the countess if he gets to low and countess teleports to him
Which is why you need to keep monks the focus on the skeleton guard so that countess can Charger up and teleport somewhere else while the witch is getting her super and spawning skeletons which is monks biggest counter since he has to use his super on all the skeletons effectively wasting his ability

Shield maiden is a difficult matchup, what I suggest is that you get the 3rd star upgrade for witch so you can have a lot of skeletons attacking at one time and maybe even killing the shield maiden while in protection form
I also suggest you keep your troops further away from shield maiden and let the skeletons do most of the shield maiden hitting so they can do damage and distracting the shield maiden from your other troops

Skeleton king is similar to monk matchup with you needing to take the attention away from the countess but I also suggest you try to get your ranger units to all attack the skeleton king from swat so that if he does have his ability your ranger units won’t be hurt and hopefully not countess either

Created May 3, 2023 by ItsMeGalaxy12

Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3
(Max) + 15 remaining elixir
73(Max) + 9 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck Countess control 2.0 was originally created on May 3, 2023 by ItsMeGalaxy12. This deck uses Countess as the hero with Skeleton Guard, Witch, Bandit, Healing Ranger, and Wizard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 10.2, and HP at 129.
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