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[Top 500] Conter the meta


Created by Seesbude
Updated Jul 21, 2023


Countess Carry with stun as support and Mini Pekka as 2nd damage




1. Place Countess 3rd or 2nd row. Buy everything from your shop and sell it again. If you have a megaknight in the shop, dont sell him and place him in the first row - i like to place him in the middle. If you face a queen, royal champion or Monk, i wouldnt buy anything.

2. Upgrade MK... the 3rd upgrade, if you face dissipate... the 1st upgrade against meelees... the 2nd upgrade against many ranged minis...
and place your E-wiz somewhere, where he can attack somebody as fast as possible. I prefer placing him behind the MK, so you can use your Icewiz otherwise than against clash. If you lost first round, save the 3 remaining elexir.
Against Queen/, you want to place your MK in one of the top edges, so it hits the backline units and queen with the ult. Go for his 2nd ability and place E-wiz next to Countess (not behind MK, because many players use Marcher with queen and would pierce your E-Wiz to death).
Against Countess you can play a minipekka with 3rd upgrade.

3. Upgrade MK to 2 Star, neglect the 2nd upgrade, if facing many meelees. Now adapt: Ewiz 3rd upgrade is good for the early ult, especially if facing a countess. If your enemy heavily invests in Upgrades, E-Wiz 2nd upgrade is a good play. If your enemy just plays as many minis as possible, 1st upgrade is better than 2nd. Mini pekka 3rd upgrade is also a good play, if your enemy has at least 2 Units with ultis. Mini pekka 2nd upgrade synergies pretty good with your many stun abilities, if you need some damage. Ice Wiz is pretty good against Countess and Valk with 1st upgrade. Against RG i would advise to play 2nd upgrade and 1st upgrade, but you also can do this in the 4th round.

4+5: Remember the things of step 3. Giant Skeli is good against many meelees and as another tank. MK 3 can also be good in many games. I would upgrade E-Wiz at least to 2 Stars. Mini pekka 3 stars can be the play in many games. I wouldnt go for 3rd upgrade on Giant skeli at all, most of the games I dont upgrade him or to 1 Upgrade.

Quick upgrade guide:

MK: 3>1>2 or 2>3>1 against ranged heavy decks
Ice Wiz: 2>1>3 or 1>2>3
E-Wiz: everything possible, depending on the matchup
Giant Skeli: 1>2>3 or 2>1>3
Mini Pekka: 3>2>1 or 2>3>1

If you dont know, what clan to join, feel free to come in "Schnenschen" :)

Magic Tiles


Gain Invisible for 6s

Gain Invisible for 6s

Always use that tile, if avaiable

Devil's Deal
Devil's Deal

+10 ATK but -80% HP

+10 ATK but -80% HP

Woldnt go for it, wayyy to risky.


VS.Grand WardenGrand WardenTwo Swords
Electro Wizard
Mega Knight
Giant Skeleton
Ice Wizard

Against Warden RG, ill make a quick extra guide here:

You can also watch my attached Video, all games were against Warden RG.

If you dont place your MK and Giant skeli in the 2nd or even 3rd row, your enemies invisibility will get less value.

1. Place countess and MK in the middle of the first row.
2. Place Giant Skeleton as near as possible to RG/Valk/Grand warden and try to get the focus on him. Focus on MK isnt as bad as it seems. Place E wiz next to Countess.
3. Go for 3rd upgrade on MK and place Ice-Wiz behind E-Wiz. If you lost a round to this point, also go for 1st upgrade on MK. If everything is won, you can upgrade Ice-Wiz to 2nd upgrade.
4. Go for 1st upgrade on MK, if you havent already. I like to go for 3rd upgrade on E-Wiz, for the quicker ult.
5. Many things possible: mini pekka isnt that good in this matchup, so i wouldnt play him at all. Ice Wiz 2nd and 1st upgrade is pretty good. If you see, that many minis get hit by your Giant Skeli Bomb, you can go for 1st and 2nd upgrade, especially if it hits the RG. You also can max your MK. E -Wiz 2nd upgrade is also pretty good for a longer stun on the RG. Most of the games, this are my upgrades: MK 1st and 3rd. Ice Wiz 1st and 2nd. E- Wiz 2nd and 3rd. Giant Skeli 1st.

VS.Magic ArcherMagic ArcherTwo Swords
Electro Wizard
Mega Knight
Giant Skeleton
Ice Wizard
Mini P.E.K.K.A

Pretty hard matchup, if he gets a good placement with his Marcher. If you see, that your MK walks in the middle and your team gets pierced, block his walkway by placing Giant Skeli next to him.

[Top 500] Conter the meta
Mega Knight
Giant Skeleton
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Electro Wizard
Ice Wizard

Created Jul 21, 2023 by Seesbude


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconIce Wizard
    3Star (Max) + 14 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconGiant SkeletonMini P.E.K.K.A
  • 4 Elixir iconElectro WizardMega Knight

About This Deck

The deck [Top 500] Conter the meta was created by Seesbude. This deck uses Countess as the hero with Electro Wizard, Mega Knight, Giant Skeleton, Ice Wizard, and Mini P.E.K.K.A as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 10.4, and HP at 164.

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