Counter grand warden, monk and countess

There is a reasons why the best players in clash mini use barbarian king and why you should too.
This Barbarian king decks is the Only deck that can counter every other hero. Although you might lose the first round or even the second "trust the process"
Mini pekka level three is A MUST HAVE to counter against overused heroes like monk, skeleton king and countess. Mini pekka lvl 3 also counters mega knight and swords man because of the dissapate that takes away 3 energy.
To counter a Grand warden deck instead of a lvl 3 mini pekka focus on a a lvl 3 dart goblin. The 3x damage on shields can cause up to 16 damage which is the same as a pekka. Also it shoot crazy fast.
Ice wizzard can be used after upgrading either mini pekka or dart goblin. When it is lvl three it is really good to use the clash block against miner to protect cards at back but also against spear goblin and prince.
Magic archer and e wiz should be used in the end game because they are a real game changer but MOST of the time do not place them before getting mini pekka or dart gob to lvl 3.

Dart goblin must be lvl three before you place anything else

Upgrade the mini pekka first to lvl three

Upgrade the mini pekka first to lvl three

Upgrade the mini pekka first to lvl 3

Created Jul 30, 2023 by FlyingQueen926529

Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3
(Max) + 14 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck Best Barbarian King deck was created by FlyingQueen926529. This deck uses Barbarian King as the hero with Ice Wizard, Dart Goblin, Electro Wizard, Magic Archer, and Mini P.E.K.K.A as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 10, and HP at 144.
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