Good stats for it's cost
This deck is full of 2 elixir minis which you must maxed out as many as possible, especially the barbarian which can take advantage of your bk buff easily and synergize well with knight and pekka as they are very tanky and the knight is good stats for it's cost and the archer for back assault as there isn't any other way to hurt their backline like archer queen and etc.
The barbarian king will be your main tank until you get the pekka or knight with the third star upgrade or the first. It's best to get the pekka as it will be a better tank in the early game. The barbarian king also must be protected until the archer or barbarian gets a kill for their boast or until he gives the attack buff which is why you don't want any dissipate on the enemy team on your king.
The main carry for the team will be the archer and the barbarian. You really wanna get the archer and wizard if the opponent is playing backline minis like archer, spear goblin, magic archer, ice wiz, etc and get barbarian and knight maxed when they are playing front row minis like mini pekka, pekka, and valk. It all depends on what the enemy is using for what minis you wanna max out, for sure the upgrade row for each mini will probably be like this:
Barb: second then first then last
( but after update it will be last then first then second ).
Archer: first then last then second
Wizard: first then second but depending if they have healer then last and then second.
Knight: last then first then second maybe.
Pekka: second and only the second for the block.
You would struggle if the royal champion manages to get your minis before you upgrade them so it might be best to max archer and wiz to counter it. And also watch out for their wiz as it's splash would hurt a lot.
You can't do anything about it but just hope that your pekka doesn't die after the bomb so it can tank for your other minis instead and upgrade your knight and pekka to counter it as they will be tanky enough to make the bomb like a tickle with their block.
Just make sure to max out archer for the magic archer and also use the wizard to help a little
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 9 (Max) + 5 remaining elixir3 (Max) + 14 remaining elixir3 (Max) + 11 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck Bk tanky cheap was created by wurich3. This deck uses Barbarian King as the hero with Archer, Barbarian, Knight, P.E.K.K.A, and Wizard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 13, DPS at 9.2, and HP at 157.
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