BK boosts and Marcher smash
Your whole strategy is letting your Magic Archer do the killing and the BK boost your entire team, on first rounds you mostly are gonna play either just BK, or Marcher and BK, I suggest you place him after the first round if you are dealing with stuff like AQ or RC, the recommended stars are the first, then the second, so he gets Value from hitting multiple enemies in different rows, the bowler is valuable, since he stuns a lot of units, if the enemies are squishy and can be killed quite easily, then you use the first star first, if not, use the second so he buys you more time. The miner is great specially for dispositioning and dissipate, also, try to get value of Cleave, it helps a lot, and the mini pekka is mostly just for big tanks, like mega knights, and medium size units with energy bars, mini pekka can help with some extra DPS aswell with her first star, and in cases of matching against countess she becomes your win condition since the magic archer is incredibly weak against the countess, and last the golden giant is your standard tank, he's there to round up the price, you can replace him with Giant Skeleton or Valk, but he is the best one, since he is super tanky for his price, his best ability is his first and second, the first is more useful if your enemy runs a stun deck, but the second is more useful in general, the third can get some value, but that's kinda of it for the deck.
Try to use the bowler to stun the magic archer, since most AQ players also run marcher, try to use the bowler to not only stun, but also distract her magic archer
In case of countess try not to use the magic archer and instead use the mini pekka as your main win condition, you can still place him, however he will not be super helpful, also the mini pekka gets the most value of her dissipate ability than from any other ability of her.
Created Sep 7, 2023 by PrussianoKebab
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3 (Max) + 15 remaining elixir73 (Max) + 9 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck Barbaric Smash {Top Global} was created by PrussianoKebab. This deck uses Barbarian King as the hero with Bowler, Mini P.E.K.K.A, Golden Giant, Magic Archer, and Miner as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 11.3, and HP at 165.
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