Make use of the newly buffed Dagger Goblin!

Even though it seems like putting your barb king is not such a good play, it forces all the mini's to attack him! Not only so he can get more Supers off, but also buys your Dagger goblin time to chip and destroy the enemy minis, especially when he has the 2nd star equipped.

For Monk, I recommend getting the Mini Pekka 3rd star, the proceed with the Dagger goblin and wizard.

For Natureborn/Pekka, focus on getting the wizard 2nd star with the Dagger goblin. Then follow up with upgrading your wizard to the 1 star and Dagger goblin 1st and 2nd star for the next round
If it's Natureborn/E-Wiz/Witch, use your miner and upgrade him fully, including wizard. Dagger goblin can just have the 2nd and 3rd star.

In case of a mirror match up, you need to prioritize on getting rid of the Dagger goblin quickly or else it will get too much value. So upgrade your wizard to max before the Dagger goblin. The splash will still affect the dagger goblin even when he has the 3rd star. Then prioritize on the Dagger goblin.

This match up can be a little tricky because the Royal Champion can easily wipe out your units if you aren’t careful with your placements. Make sure that you place the barb king on the left or right side and wherever you place the king, put your Dagger goblin and wizard on the opposite side. The max your Dagger goblin and wizard and you should be good.

Created Sep 7, 2023 by Mitsukiboozle

Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 6
(Max) + 10 remaining elixir
6(Max) + 4 remaining elixir
3(Max) + 10 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck The Green Mosquito was created by Mitsukiboozle. This deck uses Barbarian King as the hero with Dagger Goblin, Miner, Wizard, Mini P.E.K.K.A, and Prince as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 10.6, and HP at 137.
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