2* PEKKA to tank, Countess shreds backline
Edit: I still use this deck, but Archer -> Mini PEKKA. It's very, very hard to beat Pink Fury otherwise. Prince is probably the diciest pick here, since he takes aggro, dies, then leaves Miner vulnerable. However, his ability to ruin a clash is borderline OP. Still, you can replace him if you want to. Knight is a really good R5 "surprise" option.
Probably a B tier deck, but Countess is super fun so eh. :).
This deck works worse in the post RC meta, as you struggle HARD to beat Pink Fury in those important early rounds. I usually do my normal setup but with Mini P.E.K.K.A. in place of PEKKA. If you cannot double mini pekka round 1, play nothing. Round 2 get Mini P.E.K.K.A and P.E.K.K.A. (vs Pink Fury).
PEKKA is your normal play, as above. It tanks for Countess and Miner, does tons of damage, and most importantly, it can't be knocked back by Musketeer, meaning Miner won't be targeted. Core card, usually maxed. Don't get unstoppable unless you see a stun coming. First round, you usually just solo PEKKA. Star it up if it's dying too fast for Miner to be useful. Seriously though-- you see RC Musky? Get unstoppable.
Miner is core against ranged units *that it can energy drain*. Don't play it without a target in mind and make sure it at least has energy drain. Much less useful against Shield Maiden and the mirror, but generally a powerful play. If it's worth playing it's worth maxing. Usually a R2 play if against ranged champs. You can wait until R3 if you want to bait out the enemy PEKKA or mini pekka, but generally you don't need to.
Ice Wizard is your last core card. Armor is always worth it, aoe is worth it if they have multiple melee units. Almost always worth maxing late game, but you also often have better things to do with your elixir. Wait to play him until you are sure which corner Miner will be played.
Prince is disruption of clash abilities, gets tanks out of the way unupgraded, or slays squishies last round if surprise played and upgraded. You often don't play prince, but when you want him he is very good for just 4 elixir. (You can sub in Spear Goblin, which works a lot better with Miner because it doesn't run in and die. It's a little awkward because then you end up having to do things like putting Miner in front of prince, but that's life.)
Archer is a backup for if Miner isn't going to be useful. If it's worth playing it is worth maxing. Try to make sure it keeps two targets and stays safe. It often is not played in the back row because only melee units get charge on hit. Meaning Archer can bully a ranged units without giving it energy.
You can sub archer for something else if you want to, which I recommend you do based on the active tile.

Note: Barbarian king works the exact same way. If you focus the champ too much you lose.
You can play PEKKA, but don't upgrade it if it's hitting SM. As soon as Countess starts thinking of SM as a juicy meal, you lose. SM needs to die last, so your dps vs her needs to stay low.
If you can get PEKKA to lock onto another target (so play it round 2 or 3) upgrade away! If not, it's probably not even worth playing.

Even matchup, play as normal. You are heavily favored late game, as SK skeletons feed Countess to max stacks fast. You lose early though.

You win this. AQ runs too many squishies to fight against Countess.

Edit: WM-RG is dead, as is WM generally. Yay.
Very hard to deal with if it's during some sort of attack up tile with Royal Ghost. Get them focused on your Pekka, but you probably lose.
If there's no attack up, this is a pretty even fight. This may be better after they fix the RG-WM interaction.

PEKKA. PEKKA again. PEKKA again? PEKKA again.
Don't give her anything to eat, and don't play 0 star units. After that, win R4 with shield up Ice Wizard and Miner (or Archer if they have multiple melee).
If that doesn't work, R5 prince something squishy or drop a fully upgraded miner/archer out of nowhere.
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 9
(Max) + 4 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck PEKKA Countess Flanks (top 200) was originally created on Oct 31, 2023 by SampleExample. This deck uses Countess as the hero with P.E.K.K.A, Prince, Ice Wizard, Miner, and Archer as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 14.7, and HP at 127.
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