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Pink Fury Deck 32 Win Streak

Pink Fury

Created by Yoshi64
Updated Dec 11, 2023


Pair Ms. Fury with the villager, lumberjack, and the mages to rage and battery up the team


Avg CostElixir icon3.4
Avg DPSSword icon1.7
Avg HPHeart icon24.67
Pink Fury
Electro Wizard


Pink Fury - Driver of the deck. Aim for 1st promotion that increases atk and movement speed
E-wiz - Aim for 3rd Upgrade to battery Pink Fury and the Wizard. Late game, first two upgrades are very good!
Wizard - Sub-dps to Pink Fury. Aim for 1st and 2nd upgrade. 3rd upgrade is situationally good against natureborn and healers such as the villager and healing ranger
Villager - Aim for the 2nd healing upgrade. 1st and 3rd are not necessary.
Prince (flex) - The Prince is here to shut down the bowler and fisherman. However, if you have unlocked other elixir cards such as the diffuser or the elixir golem, they can also fit into this deck quite nicely!
Lumberjack - Mainly here for the elixir typing bonus which provides 2 extra elixir each round. 3rd upgrade that places rage during the start of the round is also great to splash onto the pink fury and the mages. The other two upgrades can be good in the late game if you have extra elixir (1st upgrade better than 2nd)

First Round - Leave the pink fury in her already placed slot in case you need to move her to avoid opposing princes, dart goblins, or bowlers. Try to get the pink fury's promotion and/or place the lumberjack to build up elixir.

If you win round 1, try to get Pink Fury's promotion if you don't have it already. Otherwise, don't play anything and keep building up elixir until you lose a round.

Mid-game - Place the pink fury, e-wiz, and wizard trifecta. Aim for the e-wiz and wizard upgrades listed above. Also, try to place the villager with her upgrades and the lumberjack's clash rage ability.

Late Game - Upgrade the e-wiz to 3 stars and upgrade the lumberjack rage

Against Pink Fury - This will be the hardest matchup with this deck. Essentially, this will be a race to see who can get Pink Fury's promotion first. HUGE TIP: IF YOU DON'T GET THE PROMOTION, DON'T PLACE ANY UNITS. If you place units and your opponent has the promotion, you are essentially feeding them free elixir. Only when you are on your last heart and you still don't have the promotion should you consider placing down units as a last resort. Again, when facing Pink Fury, try not to place any units until you get that promotion.

If you have had success with this deck and found my strategies helpful, consider giving this post an upvote :)

Magic Tiles


+7 Energy

+7 Energy

Wait to play the e-wiz and wizard until the superchargers have been spawned in (while also following the above guide; don't place e-wiz in the first round even though the supercharger is there). If one supercharger is in a bad spot (in the front), then you can just build the normal trifecta.

Devil's Deal
Devil's Deal

+10 ATK but -80% HP

+10 ATK but -80% HP

If the tile is in the backlines, it can be decent with villager. If it is close to the front, put wizard/e-wiz.

Pink Fury Deck 32 Win Streak
Pink Fury
Electro Wizard

Created Dec 10, 2023 by Yoshi64


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 3 Elixir iconWizardLumberjackVillager
  • 4 Elixir iconElectro WizardPrince

About This Deck

The deck Pink Fury Deck 32 Win Streak was originally created on Dec 10, 2023 by Yoshi64. This deck uses Pink Fury as the hero with Wizard, Lumberjack, Electro Wizard, Prince, and Villager as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 17, DPS at 10.2, and HP at 148.

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