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Countess' Command: Dodging Deluge


Created by EuWiNUrGaY
Updated Jan 8, 2024


Unleash the full potential of a goblin-powered deck with strategic prowess


Avg CostElixir icon2.8
Avg DPSSword icon2.22
Avg HPHeart icon19.83
Dagger Goblin
Dart Goblin
Spear Goblin


In "Countess' Command: Dodging Deluge," strategic unit placement and early synergies are paramount. The initial goal is to protect your Countess, the deck's linchpin, positioning her behind the lines, away from direct assaults. Spear Goblin should be placed to leverage his range, aiming his opening spear toss to disrupt enemy backliners. Surround the Countess with Dagger and Dart Goblins, utilizing their dodge synergy to enhance battlefield resilience.

Elixir allocation in the early rounds is critical. Focus on activating the Goblin synergy for increased dodge chances, essential for early survival. Evaluate the battlefield; if your Countess is under threat, her first promotion should be activated to boost her damage against injured opponents, transforming her into a swift executioner.

As the duel unfolds, adapt to the opponent's strategy. The Bandit's abilities can swing momentum—use Daze to stun clustered enemies or Destroy to finish off weakened targets. Promote Dagger Goblin to amplify frontline chaos with his speed bursts, and reserve Dart Goblin’s promotions for a mid-game power surge, exploiting his infinite range and damage multipliers against defensive units.

Manage your elixir wisely—balancing between upgrading units for immediate impact or deploying additional units for strategic advantage. With 6 to 9 elixir available each round, decisions must be tactical. If ahead, the Bowler’s control abilities can cement your lead; if behind, conserve elixir for pivotal promotions that can reverse your fortunes.

Always ensure the Countess's survival; her offensive prowess is critical. Utilize the goblins’ evasive synergy to keep her safe and in a position to strike. Adaptability is key—respond to enemy tactics, pivot your strategy as needed, and use promotions to either solidify your position or mount a comeback, ensuring your Countess and her goblin entourage maintain control of the arena.

En el mazo "Mando de la Condesa: Evasión Arrolladora", da prioridad a la sinergia temprana de los duendes para aumentar la esquiva, protegiendo a tu Condesa. Despliega a la Condesa detrás de los aliados de la línea frontal, aprovechando su daño contra enemigos heridos desde el principio. Utiliza el alcance del Duende Lanzador para golpes iniciales y la velocidad de ataque en aumento del Duende Dardo a mitad del juego. La gestión del elixir es crucial: opta por promociones clave en lugar de cantidad, especialmente si la Condesa es el objetivo. A medida que avanza la batalla, adapta tu estrategia: usa la aturdimiento de la Bandida o acabadores contra unidades debilitadas y reserva elixir para el control del Lanzador en momentos críticos. El éxito depende de la destreza de la Condesa y la red protectora tejida por sus guardias duendes.

في مجموعة "أمر الكونتيسة: تفادي السيولة"، امنح الأولوية لتآزر العفاريت المبكر لزيادة القدرة على التفادي، حماية لكونتيستك. نشرها خلف حلفاء الخط الأمامي، مستفيدًا من ضررها ضد الأعداء المصابين مبكرًا. استخدم مدى العفريت الرامي للضربات الأولية وسرعة الهجوم المتزايدة لعفريت السهم في منتصف اللعبة. إدارة الإكسير أمر بالغ الأهمية - اختر الترقيات الرئيسية على الكمية، خاصة إذا كان الهدف هو الكونتيسة. مع تقدم المعركة، قم بتكييف استراتيجيتك: استخدم صدمة اللص أو المنهي ضد الوحدات الضعيفة واحتفظ بالإكسير للسيطرة على الرامي في الأوقات الحرجة. النجاح يتوقف على براعة الكونتيسة والشبكة الواقية التي نسجها حراسها من العفاريت.

Countess' Command: Dodging Deluge
Dagger Goblin
Spear Goblin
Dart Goblin

Created Jan 8, 2024 by EuWiNUrGaY


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconDagger GoblinSpear Goblin
    6Star (Max) + 10 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconDart GoblinBowler
    6Star (Max) + 4 remaining elixir
  • 4 Elixir iconBandit
    3Star (Max) + 10 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck Countess' Command: Dodging Deluge was originally created on Jan 8, 2024 by EuWiNUrGaY. This deck uses Countess as the hero with Bandit, Dagger Goblin, Dart Goblin, Bowler, and Spear Goblin as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 13.3, and HP at 119.

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