Bad against mirror and RG
1st round: you will let countess at its main tile and put decoy in front if possible
2nd round: if you lose(not against countess) try putting headhunter in a straight line trying to hit the hero normally using it at the back. But if you win, just upgrade decoy with the third and first upgrade and move him 1 tile to the right or left depending on the enemies positioning.
3rd round: now you can just think for yourself and watch the opponents minis and place everything to try countering.
About musketeer: place it when you think decoy will be able to stun at least 2 enemies and upgrade the third star, but you can use it anyways.
Against countess, ill be honest this deck suffers A LOT against mirror matches so bandit and decoy would be the best 3 star options and countess needs the 1 upgrade.
Completely random honestly youll place decoy in front of countess and see what does the opponent use then move it to the right or left considering whrr his minis are looking at, place headhunter in a way that she can hit Archer queen because with the super pierce upgrade you can guarantee that she will die. Bandit is just place where you think her dash will wotk better.
Created Jan 11, 2024 by ShieldingGoblin977135
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3 (Max) + 14 remaining elixir65
About This Deck
The deck Countess general control was originally created on Jan 11, 2024 by ShieldingGoblin977135. This deck uses Countess as the hero with Bandit, Head Hunter, Decoy Adept, Musketeer, and Prince as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 14, and HP at 129.
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