big man slappy slap enemy
First round: Place diffuser and lumber jack, no matter your matchup.
Second round: place Villager, get Monk 2nd star. Don't spam all your rerolls if you don't get Monk, just place mini pekka or pekka.
Third round: Place any troops you haven't placed and get Monk 2nd star if you haven't yet.
Afterwords: You will get lumber jack all 3 stars every game. Unless it's a monk mirror match, get Villager second star for extra healing. If the game comes to final round, get either pekka or mini pekka fully maxed. Kinda depends on what you need more, Pekka is usually better if you have no use for energy drain.
A note: If your monk is dying too fast, you can move him to any of the tiles adjacent to the lumberjack (so that his clash still splashes on the monk)
With this deck, you should literally never lose to grand warden or nature born. If you are, you are playing something wrong. There is a lot of micro changes that you make to give you a better chance at winning with certain matchups, but if I were to list them all I'd be here a lot longer then I'm willing to be lol. Biggest thing is to make sure both of your pekkas and Monk are always in the lumberjack splash. And make sure your villager is NOT in the splash. It will make her move faster, and in turn die faster.
To be honest, pink fury is a hard counter. You'll lose most of the time, but this formation gives you a better chance. Don't bother getting energy drain, pink fury is just too fast. Your better off getting diffuser 3 star to stall a little bit.
Make sure to get mini pekka fully maxed, the amount of monk matchups I've won because of mini pekka alone is crazy. Diffuser can help here too.
GET DIFFUSER MAXED. It will win for you in frenzy. Other then that, make sure your monk stays alive as long as possible to tank the royal ghost till frenzy. This might even mean getting villager first star along with the second star to help keep it alive so that monk will get the healing.
Created Jan 14, 2024 by FlyingFrostQueen523071
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3 (Max) + 15 remaining elixir73 (Max) + 9 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck TOP 30 SPECIALIST MONK was originally created on Jan 14, 2024 by FlyingFrostQueen523071. This deck uses Monk as the hero with Defuser, Lumberjack, Mini P.E.K.K.A, P.E.K.K.A, and Villager as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 10.8, and HP at 168.
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