Run inmunity shield promo, focus MA, use clashes to protect the backline from enemy clashes
Prioritize bk's second promo over everything else; his role is as the main tank, so you need that broken immunity shield to make this deck work
Early rounds, you can just play your musketeer, but, as this is a very reactive deck, its recommended to check out first what your rival is playing
Once a round or 2 have passed, play your big guns:
magic archer runs upgrades 2 and 3 (unfortunately, as of now, his first upgrade is currently bugged and not reliable at all, so dont try using it) , you want to protect him as your main dps/ win condition
Musketeer works as a staller, pushing enemies back to hinder their dps and protecting the magic archer after bk falls
Headhunter works a niche role, where you can use her piercing along with MA's piercing to put the enemy hero in a difficult position (that is, if they run a main tank that can allow you to line up shots, otherwise, just play headhunter for the rogue sinergy)
Hogrider focuses on stunning the enemy win condition, to buy yourself some time
Prince generally wants to block other clashes; if there are no clashes to block, you can try using him as a disruptor, by getting him to rush at an unprotected unit and get yourself an early round win
In general, this deck relies on its versatility, as magic archer only really struggles against hard backline counters (like countess, shield maiden and Battle machine's reflection gizmo)
Magic Tiles
+1 ATK permanently every round
+1 ATK permanently every round
Clone a Troop with 30% HP
Clone a Troop with 30% HP
Do dual clahses, and pray that your enemy doesnt get a lucky clone position that allows them to eviscerate your backline
Created Jan 28, 2024 by ClashingWizard248566
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 6
- 4
About This Deck
The deck BK MA 4 sinergies was originally created on Jan 28, 2024 by ClashingWizard248566. This deck uses Barbarian King as the hero with Magic Archer, Musketeer, Prince, Head Hunter, and Hog Rider as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 17, DPS at 11.5, and HP at 143.
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