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PF Chompy

Pink Fury

Created by EuWiNUrGaY
Updated Feb 18, 2024


Pink Fury's rage, Witch's spells, Chompy's bite, Lumberjack's fury, and Defuser's tactics


Avg CostElixir icon3
Avg DPSSword icon1.88
Avg HPHeart icon27.5
Pink Fury
Elixir Golem


Embark on a mystical journey with "Mystic Rampage," where arcane power meets unbridled fury. At the core, Pink Fury ignites the battlefield with relentless aggression, bolstered by the Witch's curses that debilitate foes, turning the tide of battle with every spell. Chompy, the voracious beast, tears through enemy ranks, thriving amidst chaos. Lumberjack, with his berserker rage, cleaves through defenses, his strength growing as the battle intensifies. Defuser, the strategic counter to swarms, ensures your team's dominance remains unchallenged.

- **Early Game**: Deploy the Witch to weaken opponents and Chompy for aggressive engagement. Their early synergy disrupts enemy formations, setting the stage for a devastating offense.
- **Mid-Game**: Introduce Pink Fury and Lumberjack, leveraging their raw power to break enemy lines. Focus on enhancing their damage output through strategic upgrades.
- **Late Game**: Utilize Defuser's abilities to maintain control and counteract enemy swarm tactics, securing your lead.

**Synergies and Class Bonus**:
- Pink Fury and Lumberjack's shared fury amplifies the deck's damage potential, creating opportunities for Chompy to exploit weakened foes.
- The Witch's spells provide crowd control and support, enhancing the effectiveness of your frontline assault.
- Defuser's tactical prowess offers versatility, allowing for adaptive play against varied threats.

Strategically manage your forces, balancing between aggression and control. Upgrade units based on the flow of battle, prioritizing enhancements that maximize your deck's inherent synergies. "Mystic Rampage" is not just a deck; it's a declaration of power, demanding respect on the battlefield with every spell cast and every enemy felled.

PF Chompy
Elixir Golem
Pink Fury

Created Feb 17, 2024 by EuWiNUrGaY


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconDefuser
    3Star (Max) + 15 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconLumberjackWitchChompy
  • 4 Elixir iconElixir Golem
    3Star (Max) + 9 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck PF Chompy was originally created on Feb 17, 2024 by EuWiNUrGaY. This deck uses Pink Fury as the hero with Elixir Golem, Defuser, Lumberjack, Witch, and Chompy as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 11.3, and HP at 165.

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