Go down first two rounds then make a big boy comeback
First Round- start with e golem on board position and pink fury behind him.
Second Round- all you have to do is upgrade e golem to his first ability and wait. If you roll pink fury, upgrade( first ability)
Third Round- you should be down to your last life, but this is where the deck shines. Move the pink fury with the ghost on the tile position and put everything in. Max out the e golem to 3 stars and get pink fury if you haven’t but don’t upgrade anything else.
Fourth and Fifth Rounds- just let your elixir build up and you don’t need to upgrade anything else! That’s pretty much it😎
Created Feb 20, 2024 by ShieldingSkeleton314717
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3 (Max) + 14 remaining elixir65
About This Deck
The deck Pink Fury (3000+) was created by ShieldingSkeleton314717. This deck uses Pink Fury as the hero with Royal Ghost, Elixir Golem, Defuser, Lumberjack, and Witch as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 11.3, and HP at 157.
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