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Countess funnel with goblins


Created by Yaku
Updated Mar 13, 2024


Give your Countess the dodge passive for massive chaos.



The main idea of this deck is give your Countess the dodge passive of the goblins for make her unstoppable.

Countess is one of the most powerful heroes in the first round, I recommend to put only the dagger goblin in most of the cases for don't show so much to the enemy before he plays his pieces. This deck have sniper units like bowler and spear goblin so is important try to snipe the enemy carries if you can.

For the upgrades of the Countess I like the 3rd a lot, makes her pretty inmortal but if the enemy has anti healing (mage, valkyrie...) I recommend the 1st upgrade, so usefull too vs healing synergies combo like 4 specialists or divines.

Spear goblin is great for snipe the carries as I said but he can one shot minor units with his 1st upgrade which is interesant too, because that makes your Countess more consistent and you can try to funnel her to the main objectives, remember she always will super the lowest heal enemy, so you will play around it, one shoting minor pieces or simply poking them for guide a bit your heroe.

The bowler is the "tank" of the team, he doesn't have a lot of heal but is a nice crowd control bot. Upgrade him with the 2nd option for ralentize the enemy damage or other main threats like electric mage. The combo can be put the spear goblin first for kill a mini and commonly, the enemy will use other mini for block it and the straight lines are clutch for our friend. In that case, the 1st upgrade could be a nice option too.

In 3 or 4 round you will put all your goblins on the board for give the Countess the dodge passive, so use the dart goblin in the back early if the enemy doesn't use his main threats is a good way for save time.

There are a lot of variations of this deck, but I like this one with MA. Can take advantage of the rogue and archer synergy for make himself a strong second carry of the team.

Always read the enemy team, the idyllic situation is upgrade your MA if you can let him hit, but you have to adapt your strategy vs the enemy clash units, like riders, antiheaings, taunts... If the enemy snipe hard your MA, don't waste elixir and upgrade the dart goblin as a second carry, above all if he has shields or slow compo. The dart goblin works great in these situations.

Magic Tiles


+7 Energy

+7 Energy

Your unique unit that have super is the Countess, you can put her here free, because she will insta tp for enemy backline. Just care to move her very early and don't get sniped vs enemy clashes.


Heal 6 HP every 3s

Heal 6 HP every 3s

Put your countess here and with the dodge passive will be unstoppable, also, upgrade the 1st option for anti healing.


VS.CountessCountessTwo Swords
Dagger Goblin
Dart Goblin
Magic Archer
Spear Goblin

In the mirror match up upgrade the anti healing for your countess as soon as you can, is always the best option. Try to stun the enemy countess with your bowler with the 2nd and 3rd upgrade too. Is all about which countess will deal more free damage.

VS.Apprentice MonkApprentice MonkTwo Swords
Spear Goblin

If you see the enemy playing with 3 specilists care because he can have the aprrentice monk, which can destroy the strategy of spear goblin and bowler in the same column. In this case, just try to split your threats and try to predict.

Countess funnel with goblins
Dagger Goblin
Dart Goblin
Spear Goblin
Magic Archer

Created Mar 13, 2024 by Yaku


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconDagger GoblinSpear Goblin
    6Star (Max) + 10 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconBowlerDart Goblin
    6Star (Max) + 4 remaining elixir
  • 4 Elixir iconMagic Archer
    3Star (Max) + 10 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck Countess funnel with goblins was originally created on Mar 13, 2024 by Yaku. This deck uses Countess as the hero with Bowler, Dagger Goblin, Dart Goblin, Magic Archer, and Spear Goblin as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 13.5, and HP at 109.

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