Cairne CC Bruiser
Created by Zaiona
Updated Sep 9, 2023 for Any Mode
Can i move please bro?! Unending CC and positive trades with this beefy Cairne Bloodhoof deck!

Mini Stats
My Name is Zaiona, i am an Ex global top 100 clash royale Lava-Loon player, but i excel at most decks. Ive taken my knowledge from CR and transferred it over to this game with the creation of this deck and many others. This deck plays similarly to Egolom Healer in CR.
The staple win condition of this deck is to fight strictly on our opponents main side push with an unkillable CC Cairne, win the trade and counterpush +sappers for free towers. We defend with our Cairne, Ogre Mage, Polymorph and stunning Stonehoof Tauren taking unloseable trades thanks to our absurd crowd control. This decks success depends entirely on playing to your opponents push and proper mininselection to defend, ability to defend properly, and knowledge of gold efficiency and trades. This is an exceptionally simple deck to play, and perfect for beginners to the game. This is a consistent middle of the pack deck, as i feel Cairne is not the best in the current state if the meta, but if you wish to play a Cairne deck regardless, this is simply your most consistent and synergistic option. The deck is entirely about good trades in lane and using your HP/Armor buffed minis to achieve those positive trades easily. This deck is incredibly simple and forgiving, only truly having a major weakness to heavy splash decks such as Rend or Drakkisath. This deck has a powerful early game and reasonable late-game. Building slow counter-pushes is the best way to play this deck. This deck should be played defensively to begin the match as you are looking for large CC value, defending for a positive trade and HARD counter-pushing in response, distracting for your sappers. Your slow push when properly set up can even compete even against the likes of Tirion one push decks on occasion. Lets explain our cards and the thought process behind this deck to really make it work.
Polymorph+Cairne and Ogre Mage or Stonehoof Tauren-
This is your standard trade combination into your opponents pushes. We defend under tower for extremely positive gold trades then counterpush armouring and healing with our Frostwolf Shaman .
Ogre Mage-
This is our stock standard elemental aoe threat that can target both air and ground, simply play behind your tower on defence where required. Very straight forward.
Frostwolf Shaman -
Used on our offensive pushes to guarantee even further beneficial gold trades, we take Earth Shield for our talent, armouring either Stonehoof Tauren or preferably our Cairne.
Gryphon Rider -
Only 2 cost and one of the strongest single target minis in the game with flying, used defensively and offensively where required, we take Fury as opposed to Air Drop as our fights are often extended. Both talents are viable options but Fury seems to win much more consistently as they're forced to chain lightning sappers.
Goblin Sappers -
Used to take free towers as we go for extended fights in the middle of the lane, often unanswerable as they have so much to deal with. Can be used for cheeky free towers in side lanes if unanswerable.
Stonehoof Tauren-
More meat for the grinder. Simply a very tanky cc and damage threat that may also be armoured by Frostwolf Shaman in certain circumstances.
Feel free to watch my little potato quality youtube screen recording to get an idea of how the deck operates. Good luck lads and i hope this helps!
Advanced Build Stats
Build Rating
Lane Offense
Tower Offense
Lane Defense
Tower Defense
Weak Against
Strong Against
About This Build
This build, Cairne CC Bruiser, was created by Zaiona on Sep 9, 2023. The leader of the deck is Cairne Bloodhoof as part of the Horde family.
With 6 other minis, this puts the total build cost at 3.6, DPS at 64, and HP at 691. Be sure to support your favorite builds and creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share that you find useful.Check out the profile page of Zaiona for more of their guides.
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