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Blood and Tunda’!

Created by ItzFitz
Updated Mar 13, 2024 for PvP


Use fast paced units and Bloodlust to aggressively push opponent!

44 gold
Grommash Hellscream
44 gold
Warsong Raider
Warsong Raider
Razing Focus
33 gold
Darkspear Troll
Darkspear Troll
33 gold
Infectious Swipes
44 gold
Heightened Rage
22 gold
Chain Lightning
Chain Lightning
22 gold
Dark Iron Miner
Dark Iron Miner
Gold Mine


Avg. Gold3.1
Avg. Damage154
Avg. Health566
Damage per Second
Avg. DPS99


Siege Damage

Mini Stats


Grommash HellscreamWarsong RaiderDark Iron Miner
Darkspear TrollFirehammer

Build Cycle

22 gold
Chain Lightning
22 gold
Dark Iron Miner
33 gold
Darkspear Troll
33 gold
Shortest Cycle
1010 gold
44 gold
Grommash Hellscream
44 gold
Warsong Raider
44 gold

Playable Anywhere

Chain LightningSpellDark Iron MinerUnbound


Grom, my main man.

Grom is so strong being a beast tank that punches you in the face without remorse. His major weakness is to slow him down with swarms, slow, anti-death, and stuns. Slowing Grom down leaves him open to ranged damage chipping away, so we must account for that.

Troll, always a great value add at 3-cost. A powerful ranged attacker with many good abilities. The most common is the “Big Bad Voodoo” for survivability, which is always a great choice. I challenged myself with using the less favorable “Headhunting” ability which allows for additional forward pressure. “Big Bad Voodoo” is great when Troll is solo-ing hordes or wants to stick around for a while, but “Headhunting” will allow the troll to move quickly after a defensive counter play to support the frontline.

Harpies work with Grom and bloodlust so well, probably the best synergy pick. Tack on “Poison Talon” ability for additional stacking damage and watch as everything melts. This summon should almost always be a defensive pick or pushing an advantage.

Firehammer, this was an off-pick I wanted to try. Theoretically bloodlust and the increasing attack speed buff should work well. One of the big weaknesses with Firehammer is the slow start. Groms Bloodlust should help Firehammer really get going, and going fast. Any of the abilities will work, often players will kill her too quickly for “Blazing Speed” to really pop off. “Moulting Metal” is a solid pick if you struggle with flying troops, but I personally like Firehammer gaining a major damage / health boost on level up while she’s at her peak. I recommend deploying alongside Grom every time.

Warsong Rider, I personally very much like using the Rider as a split push while Grom is marching up the field. Grom is such a major threat that most people focus him. The Rider, especially with “Razing Focus”, with either force your opponent to use resources inefficiently OR ignore one of the 2 powerful threats. I often send the Rider straight for the enemy bas, if possible, as Grom pushes elsewhere.

The last 2 picks are utility picks. I use lighting to clear hordes or weaker stealth units and controlling gold. The Dark Iron Dwarf is to grab gold veins and even take out ranged units sitting behind tanks. These 2 picks can be swapped with anything you feel will help control the map, these 2 picks (in my opinion) are cost effective while covering some of Groms short comings.

This army can keep pace with many ground armies, however you may find issues dealing with Rend armies focusing on mostly air or Maiev Unbound armies.
The current rules also highly benefit Drakkisath (Also tanky with high damage), Thalnos(Spell heavy/Control decks), Tirion(Healing but tanky), and Maiev(Powerful unbounds with stun capability). Be thoughtful about trades, and calculate when to counter push or counter pick.

As always: Best of Luck!

Build Check

Advanced Build Stats

Build Rating

Lane Offense

Build attack power against leaders and troops.

Tower Offense

Build attack power against towers.

Lane Defense

Build defense against leaders and troops.

Tower Defense

Build defense of player towers.


Inhibits the opponent from executing his/her strategy.

Weak Against

Strong Against

About This Build

This build, Blood and Tunda’!, was created by ItzFitz on Mar 13, 2024. The leader of the deck is Grommash Hellscream as part of the Horde family.

With 6 other minis, this puts the total build cost at 3.1, DPS at 99, and HP at 566. Be sure to support your favorite builds and creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share that you find useful.

Check out the profile page of ItzFitz for more of their guides.

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