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Skelly king rush

Skeleton King

Created by A1pha
Updated Nov 28, 2022


This deck shines in speed and uses it too it’s advantage to deal massive amount of damage



Skeleton king is use to stun and knock back your enemy good against monk and shield madden if you have your lumberjack second ability activated

Lumberjack is your support troop and is used to boost up your Skeleton king And your Valkyrie which both shine and are your main targets to upgrade in the deck and also the dark goblin to charge his speed fast and strong against the Archer queen

Valkyrie is your is your tank killer paired with Its first ability and lumber second ability it can stack up speed fast and able to do serious damage

Dart goblin is recommended to its first ability to help DPS down troops but remove it if your going against the shield madden

Giant skeleton Good against shield madden because if it died before the shield madden activates it’s ability it buys you time to damage it as much as possible

Barbarian is a support troop to help the dart goblin in the back so if minis like the miner target the dark goblin it’s able to kill it a it’s third and his first and third ability are recommended really helpful to DPS down the the enemy troops

Recommended ability

Lumber jack 1,2

Valkyrie 1,2

Giant Skeleton 2,3

Dart goblin 1,2

Barbarian 1,3

Skelly king rush
Giant Skeleton
Skeleton King
Dart Goblin

Created Nov 27, 2022 by A1pha


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconBarbarian
    3Star (Max) + 16 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconLumberjackValkyrieDart GoblinGiant Skeleton

About This Deck

The deck Skelly king rush was originally created on Nov 27, 2022 by A1pha. This deck uses Skeleton King as the hero with Lumberjack, Valkyrie, Dart Goblin, Giant Skeleton, and Barbarian as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 10.8, and HP at 157.

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