Defense Clap x2 Defense Clap x2

Works Best Against Monk And WM Also Only Move Minis 1-2 Tiles And Always Choose Sauna So That SK Can Have 4 Lives.
Make sure he’s in front so that he dies the most cus he’ll come back 3 times and he kinda carries this deck so make sure he dies.
Magic Archer
I don’t know much about him but if you watch Kiros’s video about the right upgrade order that’ll help a lot.
Start with spicy than spread to stop healing especially with SM im a wizard expert so listen to what I say about him cus I know what im doin.
Honestly Kiros Again Pekka is Only used so I have a tank.
So what you need to do for guard is to just place him at the start use the Kiros order of upgrades and that’s about it
It has infinite range so it does not need to be in front or invisible I know your sick of hearing it Kiros order of upgrades and otherwise it’s pretty simple.

Use So SK Has 4 Lives.

For Extra Elixir This Is Good.

Use This Format To Counter RG

Use Spicy On Wiz To Counter Healing.

Created Nov 28, 2022 by REAPER

Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 6
(Max) + 9 remaining elixir
3(Max) + 12 remaining elixir
5About This Deck
The deck SK Defense was originally created on Nov 28, 2022 by REAPER. This deck uses Skeleton King as the hero with Wizard, Skeleton Guard, P.E.K.K.A, Archer, and Magic Archer as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 12.5, and HP at 147.
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