High DPS. High Heal. Bonk now your enemies.

This is a deck that I have created for fun, and it actually works pretty well, so I thought of sharing it.
STAR PRIORITIES (most important to the left)
Lumberjack (LJ): 3*>2* / 2*>1* (depends on situation)
Healing Ranger (HR): 3*>2*
Bowler (BW): 3*. That's all it matters.
Giant Skeleton (GS): 3*>2*
Larry: 2*>1* (He is mostly here for support)
I will give some tips and useful suggestions for this deck:
ROUND 1: the game started, and your priority should be the getting one of the carries of the deck (Healing Ranger, Lumberjack). If you don't can't find them, Giant Skeleton is still a great alternative. With HR, put her in the sides of the board, and SK right next to her, both being in the top row. This simply to minimize the travelling time of the heal. With LJ, put him in the center of the top row and put SK 1 down and 1 left/right (You choose), so that LJ will be the first targeted and die, giving SK the speed buff.
ROUND 2: now that you have some units, you should focus on getting the other, ESPECIALLY LJ, BW and HR. If you find them, summon then, and prioritize getting the stars on them, so you can place Gizmos. Based on the 1st round, you should at least barely know what deck is the enemy playing, and so you will place minis that can help you on the matchup. HR and Larry for more durability, BW and GS for stuns, LJ for attack speed. If you have the LJ 2*, try to put as many minis inside his range to use the buff.
ROUND 3: Check the Gizmo part for the rest of the ideal game of this deck, there will be both "How to use" and "How to counter" sections for the gizmos.

*This also counts for Elixir Collector, Sauna, Rocket and Pancaker*
This strategy is perfect for any time-based gizmo, like the Pot. By defending the said Gizmo, you can have a lot of advantages, especially when your deck is speed based with some stuns.
If the gizmo is in the furthest tile, a 3* Bowler should take care of it, stunning it. Otherwise, pure aggro should be still enough for it.
Place your minis nearer to the enemy Gizmo, so that they can destroy it before its effects activate.
Warning to Rocket. It's pretty deadly with this deck.

*This also counts for Mucho Puncho, Training Camp and War Toot*
With Saint Mirror, let the Mirror tank and reflect all the hits until it dies. When it dies, you should have a big HP advantage over the enemy.
With Mucho Puncho, this is helpful to knockback and stun the stronger units like PEKKA and similar.
With Training Camp, this is useful to be extra aggressive, and punish playing units like Witch.
With War Toot, you are safe from various stuns like Bowler's and Wave Master's. With it, put everything 1 tile lower, with GS in front.
Like I said before, be aggressive. Even if Saint Mirror could hard-counter you sometimes.

Created Dec 18, 2022 by Carl00710

Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3
(Max) + 16 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck SK Aggro [2.8] was created by Carl00710. This deck uses Skeleton King as the hero with Lumberjack, Healing Ranger, Bowler, Giant Skeleton, and Skeleton Guard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 9.9, and HP at 153.
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