Destroy all minis in the start of the round

Key guide here is to upgrade your bowler for massive dmg output (two up is good too +4dmg/ furthest strike) and single or double up giant While the rest other minis depends what the opponent minis are. Basically this deck adds the versatility against all other decks
“Place the royal champ accordingly with the bowler for massive dmg”
Problem dealing with : MONK
Fighting againts monk: use skeleton guard (ko+gives shield) , miner (-2 mana stuff) ,bowler then giants. It could be in any order but using skeleton guard gave more advantages
I tend not to use the wizard that much however there are cases that should be used especially when the enemy deck relies in healing (use the wizard to block healing)
This deck really relies in placement since in the start of round you could place massive damage with your bowler

Dont mind the wizard (use it only for blocking healings)
Try pairing bowler and champ together ( beware of monks)
Use gizmo offensively to tank damage and longer survivalbility for your champ

Keep away from monk and use skele guard as his target ( gizmos choose mirror or punch or rocket or king tower or sauna) use gizmos as offensive gizmo placing near the front

Keep the skele guard behind to protect from enemy miner since you need champ to use his abilities as much as possible

Created Dec 20, 2022 by Sadmouse

Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 6
(Max) + 11 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck RC all around was originally created on Dec 20, 2022 by Sadmouse. This deck uses Royal Champion as the hero with Bowler, Golden Giant, Skeleton Guard, Miner, and Wizard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 13, DPS at 9.2, and HP at 129.
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