
Super: Throw a shield at an opponent for 12 damage, stunning it for 0.5s. The shield bounces to as many as two more opponents within 3 tiles of each hit.

Promotion 1 
Super can bounce up to 3 opponents, stunning each for 3s

Promotion 2 
Boast: Gain full energy and +3 Super damage (stacking, max +16 damage)

Promotion 3 
Boast: Gain +1 attack damage (stacking, max +10 attack damage)


Royal Champion Counters
Royal Champion can take out an entire team if your health is low. The best way to play against her is by keeping your team healed or focusing on her at the beginning of the round. It's smart to set up tanks with high amounts of health that can end her Smart Bounce. It can also help to send units to attack from the back or to drain her Energy.